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“I need to take a shower,” I repeated, stepping away.

He released me—but when I walked silently to the bathroom, he followed.


There was no shower curtain.No door to hide me from Remmo when I stripped.

My clothes went over my head anyway.

He had seen me naked before, so it wasn’t a first.

I stepped under the scalding hot water and closed my eyes. The way it hit my face wasn’t enough to pull me out of the darkness I’d just found myself engulfed in.

A pair of warm hands landed gently on my hips, and I tensed at the contact. My body was already ready—waiting—for pain.

Instead, I was carefully pulled to a warm chest, and wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Remmo’s grip was tight enough to make me feel safe, but loose enough not to make me feel trapped.

I pressed my cheek to his bare chest, inhaling his scent as the water fell on both of us.

He said nothing, just holding me. And the calm, steady beat of his heart against my ear slowly relaxed my shoulders.

I was okay,I admitted to myself, after a few minutes had passed.

I was okay.

Things were different now.

Remmo was my fated mate; he couldn’t have hurt me even if he wanted to. And after all that time we’d spent together, I knew without a doubt that he didn’t want to. And that his anger was not the brutal rage of the men I had known on Earth.

When Remmo got angry, he grew quiet. Efficient. Vicious. I’d seen it, when he was fighting Teris. He hadn’t caused any more harm than he’d needed to—and he hadn’t done anywhere near as much damage as he could’ve.

Even when I suggested mating with another man, he never got really mad. He definitely never raged.

And even if hedidrage, I was confident that he wouldn’t take that fury out on me.

I trusted him, I realized, in a sharp moment of clarity.

Not just to keep me safe—but to treat me well.

And that was a first for me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered against his chest, knowing he would hear the soft words even over the sound of the shower.

“You have nothing to apologize for. You warned me this might happen—and I am in no way hurt or offended.” His soft answer calmed my nerves more than I’d expected it to.

His hand began to move over my back, gently. The motions soothed me, and I let myself relax in his arms. My chest was bare against his, and he was hard against my lower belly, but the moment wasn’t one of desire or attraction.

Just raw, honest intimacy.

I was fragile, and he was strong.

Strong enough for the both of us, maybe.

I wanted to be strong too, but… it would take time.

“You’ll still train me?” I asked him quietly.

“Of course. And the more naked interruptions, the better.”
