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“I guess that’s reasonable,” I admitted. “Even if it stings a little to be second choice.”

She grinned. “Remmo would probably know, huh?”

My face heated. “I should apologize to him for that.”

“You didn’t know he existed, so it’s not your fault. Don’t apologize for things outside of your control.” She waved me toward her. “Come on, Aev’s tent is up here. I’ve got to check in with him.”

My eyebrows lifted, but I followed her.

This was an all-new Dakota… and I didn’t hate it.

Not at all.


“Aev,”Dakota called into the trees. “Come down and meet Summer!”

An annoyed growl came from the branches over our heads, and my eyes widened when a monstrous sabertooth came prowling down one of the thick branches. The branch dipped lower with his weight, but he didn’t even seem to notice. In their beast forms, the sabertooth bastards looked like monster-sized tigers, stripes and all, with huge-ass tusks.

“He hasn’t been spending much time in his man form since he got the news about the bond breaking,” Dakota explained to me, gesturing for him to come down again. He growled at her, but it wasn’t an angry growl. More like an annoyed one.

He smoothly jumped down from the branch, landing lightly.

“This is my best friend, Summer,” Dakota told the king.

Or ex-king, I supposed, since she said he had stepped down when the unseelies basically commanded him to.

“Hi.” I waved.

He sniffed the air, and his expression grew surprised.

“She’s mated to Vuvim,” Dakota explained.

He looked at me with new eyes, and dipped his head toward me in what looked kind of like…


Dammit, Remmo was right about that. Did he always have to be right?

Aev stepped closer to Dakota, and she scratched his head lightly.

My eyebrows shot into my forehead, but I didn’t say anything. Not a damn peep. Mostly because I didn’t even know what to say or think.

I didn’t know Aev, but…

Naomi and him hated each other. And they weremated.

Granted, they were about to get magically separated. But still.

It was just different.

Then again, so were me and Remmo. I had been partially mated to Teris when we paired up.

And I knew that Aev and Naomi had never wanted each other or loved each other. It sounded like they had basically been in an arranged marriage that made both of them miserable.

“Have any of the new human girls paired up with the fae?” I asked Dakota, changing the subject. She was still scratching Aev’s furry head, almost absent-mindedly.

“Nope. Mare and the female fae are making sure they understand that the fae don’t do casual—and that having sex with one is permanent. I think seeing Naomi and Fovea working together to break a bond has probably sobered them up to that fact. And January’s baby bump probably helped.”
