Page 31 of Catching a Cowgirl

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Before Shane could knockon the door, Brielle opened it and stepped outside. He took a startled step backward and glanced over her shoulder toward the barrier that she’d kept between him and Eloise.

Brielle didn’t smile, though her expression seemed less irritated than usual. “You’re taking her to Texas?” she hissed.

Okay, so maybe she was just as irritated, but she wasn’t showing it.

“I have a meeting.”

“And you couldn’t just take her out when you get back?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Seriously. What don’t you get about her liking the underdog? She doesn’t want a rich guy who can solve all her problems. Every guy she has ever dated has been on the bottom side of the economic scale.”

“You guys have money.”

Her eyes flashed. “That’s probably why she doesn’t care to date anyone who finds money important.”

He still couldn’t wrap his head around that little tidbit of information. “I don’t get it. It’s not like I’m buying her fancy gifts. I’m just—”

“Flying to another state in a private jet. Think about it.”


Brielle rolled her eyes, then shot a look toward the house. “Look, I don’t have much time. But if you’re going to make this work, you’re going to have to open up to her.”

Shane stiffened. “What?”

“Iknow. You don’t like opening up to anyone, not even me. For us, that worked. But for Eloise, she wants a connection. She doesn’t care about money or things. She likes quality time, and she wants to feel like she’s your whole world.”

“I can’t just tell her my past. That’s part of the problem.” He continued to grow antsy. This was just a first date. He shouldn’t be expected to do any of that. “What happened to just having fun?”

Brielle gave him a pointed look. “You have to do both.”

He felt like he was about to lose his mind. “I have to have fun and make her believe that I’m the kind of guy she has been waiting for her entire life.”


Shane worked his jaw. “Okay, so tell her about my past. Make her believe I am in love with her for any reason but money. Anything else?” He couldn’t help the way he spoke through gritted teeth. Their date was shaping up to be more than he thought he could handle.

She clapped him on the shoulder. “Just don’t fall in love with her.”

He gave her a flat look, and she let out a laugh.

That laugh had once been the thing that brought him joy. He would have done anything to be the one to cause it. At least the memories of their relationship no longer hurt the same way they used to.

Brielle let out a sigh. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That we didn’t work out.”

Shane shrugged. “It’s fine. I’ve already hashed it out in my head more times than I care to admit. We just didn’t work.” He let out a harsh laugh. “Actually, besides the whole money thing, Eloise seems like she would be a better fit for me anyway.”

“Don’t you dare,” Brielle muttered.

“Yeah, I know. I can’t fall for her. Don’t worry. I have zero interest in a relationship right now. Fake or otherwise. I’m only doing this until I can figure out a way to get rid of my cousins.”

“You never told me about them, you know.”

“For good reason.”
