Page 44 of Catching a Cowgirl

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“Actually,” Eloise held up a finger, “it’s a good—”

“Save your breath, Miss Callahan. My cousin has a habit of making very poor decisions, and this is just one of many.”

Eloise spun around to face him, confusion written on her face. He’d called her by her last name rather than her first. Perhaps this was just his way of maintaining his distance before they discussed the steps they wanted to take next.

“You can shut the door,” he motioned toward it while he remained perched on the edge of his desk.

Her fingers fumbled with the edge of the door before she eased it closed. The metal knob clicked, and they were alone. Eloise pressed her back against the wood, her eyes locking with Shane’s. “I have fifteen minutes. What did you want to talk about?”

Shane pushed himself into a standing position. “I’ve thought a lot about what you said earlier—about Marc and your job.”

“And Brielle.”

He nodded. “And I think I have a solution.”



After Madeline’s visit, there was no other option. Shane needed to keep his interest in Eloise a secret—well, as much of a secret as he could keep from this point forward.

Eloise continued to hover by the door as if she wanted a quick escape. If she was nervous, it was best to keep at least a small distance between them. At least she was still here.

“After our date, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

“I feel the same.” She said it without hesitation, throwing him off so much he’d lost track of what he had planned on saying. Eloise smiled. “I take it that surprises you.”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“So what now? You’re thinking of me. I’m thinking of you. Seems to me we have only one path ahead of us.”

Shane chuckled. “But like you said, there are a few obstacles. My cousin, for one.”

“Do you think there might be a problem? Would he do something?”

“My cousin’s morals don’t exactly point true north.”

She frowned, her eyes shifting away from his as she seemed to consider his words. “Why do you say that? He seems nice enough.”

“Oh, he’s nice. He’s just not genuine.” Shane took a few more steps toward her, closing the distance between them. “You deserve someone better.”

Eloise tilted her head, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Oh? And you think you would fit the bill?”

He studied her flawless face, the way her smile could make him melt, and how her voice sent shivers through his body. Without a doubt, he knew he would be better for her than Marc. “I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m only suggesting I would be a step up.”

“I wonder what he’d say if he heard you say that.”

Shane shrugged. “I’d rather Marcnotfind out about any of this until we really know where we want this to go.”

She went quiet, and for a moment he didn’t know whether he’d said something wrong. Then she lifted her chin. “And where do you want this to go?”

During this whole meeting, he’d wanted so much to touch her. What he wouldn’t give to hold her hand and feel the softness of her skin. She would probably think he was a little crazy if she could hear his thoughts in this moment.

It was definitely a little late to take this slow. He’d built up to this meeting all week long—at least he had in his head. “I want to see how far this attraction we clearly feel for one another can go. I want to take you on more dates and spend as much time as I can with you.”

Her brows furrowed. “I guess we’ve come full circle then. You still haven’t told me what you want to do about my sister and your cousin.”

And that was the problem. This was where he didn’t know if his idea would even appeal to her. But he had to try.
