Page 47 of Catching a Cowgirl

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Eloise’s brows creased. “For now?”

“This is our little secret for the time being.”

Still, confusion seemed to linger on her face.

“Oh, you must know by now, Eloise. I fully intend on figuring out the best time and place to make this public. It just makes sense to enjoy our newfound…” What? Love? Attraction? What should they be calling it?

“Relationship,” she offered.


His whole life had been building up to this moment—like a contract he had organized for a potential client.

No, it was definitely better than that because he wasn’t allowed to kiss his clients.

Shane dipped his face closer to hers and brushed his lips against her soft, supple lips. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she leaned into him. His arm wrapped around her waist, securing them together. Her body melted into his, easily fitting with him like they were two parts of a puzzle that had finally found one another.

Electrifying sparks exploded behind his eyes, filling his whole body with warmth right down to his toes. His kiss grew more passionate as he allowed himself to let go of his inhibitions. He couldn’t fathom a scenario where anything could go wrong, not when he had Eloise in his arms.

She was perfection.

And she was all his.



Eloise did her best not to feel the guilt that continued to grow over the next two weeks. Marc still called her, though she hadn’t accepted any of his invitations to see him in person. His persistence wore on her.

It was getting to the point where she thought it might not be such a bad idea to just tell him that she was dating Shane now. The problem with that idea was Shane.

He still insisted that they shouldn’t tell anyone. If even one person were to find out, he said that others would too and that could spell disaster.

She continued to tell herself it was fine. She was happy with Shane. They had found something that worked. They’d seen each other every single day since they’d stolen that kiss. He’d shared a lot about himself that only made him more endearing to her.

Shane was a good man through and through. Even if Eloise had tried, she wouldn’t have been able to find something wrong with him.

Well, except for his strange insistence that people couldn’t handle seeing them together. He’d made such a compelling argument that she couldn’t deny that it made sense.

If only Marc would get the hint and stop calling her.

Eloise glanced at the clock on the wall of the kitchen. Her break would start in just a minute or so, then she could sneak away and steal some time with Shane. Admittedly, sneaking around wasn’tallbad. There was a sort of danger and excitement about being caught.

A smile touched her lips as she headed toward the kitchen sink to wash her hands. Already her legs felt weak, and her heart fluttered wildly. Just the thought of seeing him and being held by him was enough to stir those feelings. Then they grew more pronounced when she was actually in his presence.

“Hey, Eloise.”

She glanced up to see Hannah heading toward her.

“Did you hear about Shane?” Hannah’s wide eyes and broad grin were all it took for Eloise to know Hannah had some gossip. Usually, it was about one of the staff at the country club. Never had it been about their boss.

Eloise’s heart shifted from a happy flutter to an anxious pounding. “What about him?”

“Sounds like he’s dating someone.”

She fought the blush that threatened to give herself away. Rumors. That’s all they were. If people actually knew she was dating their boss, she would have already gotten more than one stink-eye. At least, that’s what Shane had said would happen. Eloise grabbed a hand towel to dry her hands, then tossed it back in its place. “You know better than to give power to useless gossip.”

Hannah reached out and placed her hand on Eloise’s arm. “It’s not just gossip. Someone said that there’s been a woman who has repeatedly visited his office over the last few weeks. Thesameone.”
