Page 53 of Catching a Cowgirl

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His stomach knotted, but he agreed with a short nod. “Deal.” There were several reasons he could give if people caught him going to the Callahan property. He didn’t have to admit to anything, right? Shane pushed the doubt and worry down as far as he could muster before brushing a kiss to her lips. He pulled away, immediately noticing the cool air that slipped into the space between them.

Grabbing a sheet of paper, he scribbled his address on it and then held it out to her. He couldn’t remember the last person he’d given that to. In fact, he wasn’t sure he’d given it to anyone since he’d bought the place. It was completely separate from the country club property, and for good reason. Even his cousins didn’t know where he lived—for security purposes.

Eloise peered at the paper, then her eyes bounced up to meet his. “I don’t think I’ve ever been here. Is this out past the Keagan’s property?”

Shane nodded. “There’s a security gate that prevents anyone from coming up the private drive that leads to the property, but it isn’t too hard to find if you put that address into the GPS.” He placed his hand over the paper, causing her to meet his gaze again. “I’ve not given this to anyone local. Please help me retain my anonymity. I’d prefer if no one—not even my cousins—know where I live.”

Confusion flitted behind her eyes, but she nodded anyway, without questioning his motives. “What time will dinner be served?”

He chuckled, if only to quash the nerves that still lingered. “You make it sound like I’m going to be giving you this Michelin treatment. I assure you, while my spaghetti is good, it’s only just.”

“I’m sure the food will be fantastic.” Her eyes seemed to tease him. “Though, I must admit I was sorta expecting you to admit you had a personal chef.”

Shane didn’t know how to react to that statement. Did he have the money to hire such a person? Yes. But his grandfather had never had anyone other than a housekeeper. She’d helped prepare meals every so often, but he’d learned a few things from his grandparents about running a household. He cleared his throat. “Really?”

She nodded. “Why not? Don’t people in your position do that sort of thing? Have a staff or something?”

The look on his face must have been enough to set her back because her face flushed and she dropped her hands from his face before glancing away. “I’m sorry. That was a little judgmental, wasn’t it?” She covered her face with her hands and let out a little laugh. “I can’t believe I said that.”

He stepped toward her, hooked his finger beneath her chin and offered her a small smile. When she lifted her gaze to meet his, he shook his head. “While your statement was a surprise, it wasn’t entirely misguided. There are a lot of people with my financial background who do exactly what you suggested—not because they need it but because they have the money to do so. I just don’t.”

“You don’t?”

Once again, he shook his head, letting that answer sink in. “I have three people onstaff—as you put it.”


He could hear the notes of disappointment in her voice, and for a moment he wondered for the first time in his life if the people he had working for him was a bit much. His brows pulled together as he let himself hope that she would understand. Brielle was the one who mentioned that Eloise wasn’t impressed by money or status. “I do. I pay a housekeeper to keep my home tidy and help prepare the occasional meal. Then there’s the landscaper who tends to everything outdoors. And finally, I have a security guy.”

Her brows lifted. “Security? I haven’t seen any bodyguards or anything.”

This time Shane laughed. He couldn’t help it. “Not that kind of security. I don’t fear for my life by any means. But I do have a nice home on a big property, and I do have valuables. My guy monitors the gate and the people who come and go—or rather, the ones who would if I invited more of them to stop by.” Shane dropped his hand to grasp hers. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and let out a sigh. “Like I said, I don’t usually invite people over. But you’re important to me. I want you to know that more than anything.”

She squeezed his hand, and he lifted his eyes to meet hers. “I know,” she whispered.

“Then I’ll see you tonight at seven?”

Eloise nodded. “I’ll see you tonight.”



Eloise drove her car up the winding road toward what could only be Shane’s house. The code he’d given her did open the gate she passed a little while ago, but the property was shrouded in trees. If she hadn’t gotten his address, she wouldn’t have even seen the gate.

No wonder he could remain such a private man. He only gave people access to what he wanted them to know.

Brielle’s concerns over his secrecy about a month ago came rushing back to her mind. On the one hand, her sister had made several good points. Shane should have told her more about his family. But on the other hand, someone like Shane was allowed his privacy to a certain degree.

Eloise let out an audible groan. Why couldn’t she let go of this nagging feeling of doubt? Shane had been nothing but sweet to her, and now he was fixing her dinner. She should just enjoy herself.

The house came into view, and she slowed the car to a stop as she peered through the window. It wasn’t as large as she’d expected based on what he’d said about his home life. The size didn’t really warrant astaff. Suddenly the few people he had working for him seemed to make sense.

Just seeing the house made her like Shane even more. Clearly, he had the money to build a mansion. And yet his home might be smaller than the one she grew up in.

Eloise couldn’t fight the grin that crossed her face. How was it that without even trying, Shane was able to win her over time and time again? She was finding it harder to come up with reasons she should keep her walls up. The only thing that held her back was her gut feeling that he was hiding something.

She pulled up to the front of the house, leaving her doubts behind. Tonight, she was going to forget all about what Brielle had said.
