Page 77 of Catching a Cowgirl

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Shane’s jaw tightened, and his hand reached out to grasp Eloise’s. She looked down at where he held her, and her latent feelings came back to life with a vengeance. The sparks of electricity, the shivers, the desire. He brought her hand to his lips, his eyes locking with hers before he turned toward Marc. “Yeah, I have a friend in the FBI.”

“Do you think she would be willing to help us out? Get Madeline out of our hair?” Eloise asked.

Shane glanced from one person to the next. “I think we could figure something out. I’ll have to make a few calls.”

Relief washed over her like the first rainfall in summer, warm and refreshing. She finally allowed herself to regain the hope she’d been so desperately needing since he’d broken up with her.

Shane moved up the steps toward Marc and Brielle. “You’re really willing to throw yourself under the bus if it means getting Madeline arrested? That doesn’t sound like you at all. What’s the catch?”

Eloise nearly slugged him. She could understand to a degree why he wasn’t willing to trust Marc easily, but he’d already given a lot of information. He’d already risked a lot by just telling Shane. Before she could point any of that out, Marc stepped forward.

He lifted his chin and stared Shane in the eyes. “All my life, I’ve been stuck in Madeline’s shadow. Doing whatever she says. Then I met Eloise, who’s the first person to see something potentially good in me. She’s the first real friend I’ve ever had. I can’t let her life of happiness with you be threatened.”

Marc avoided looking directly at her as he continued. “If that means I have to go to prison because I was involved with some of my sister’s dealings, then so be it.”

Shane shifted, and Eloise squeezed his hand reassuringly. He glanced at her, a hint of a smile touching his lips. “I’ll make a few phone calls and see what we can do. I can’t make any promises, but even if Madeline decides to go on the run, then the worst thing that would happen is that she spills those secrets. I suppose we could figure out what to do with that when the time comes.”

“Thanks, Shane,” Marc said. “I know we haven’t been on the best terms, but I appreciate it.”

“Hey, I’m not the one going to prison.”

Marc grimaced. “I guess that’s true.” He glanced at Eloise. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Shane’s hand tightened on hers almost painfully, but he didn’t say anything.

Eloise nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He moved past them and headed for his car. Once he was out of sight, Brielle sighed. “Weird how things work themselves out, huh?” She thumbed at the house over her shoulder. “I’m gonna get some lunch. You two want anything?”

Eloise shook her head.

“I’m good.” Shane tugged on Eloise’s hand, pulling her close enough that her side brushed against his. “I think we’re just gonna hang out here and chat for a little bit if that’s okay.”

Brielle’s eyes met Eloise’s. “I’ll be just inside if you need me.”

“I’ll be fine,” Eloise assured her, though her insides begged to differ. She didn’t know what Shane was going to want to chat about, but she had a feeling it wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. It was times like these that she really wished they could move past the nitty gritty stuff and pretend it didn’t happen. But she knew better.

They had to air out the events of the last several weeks. They needed closure.

Once they were alone, Shane guided her over to the porch swing. He didn’t release her hand for even a second as they took their seats.

The chains creaked with the weight of their bodies, but besides that, the property was quiet—peaceful. She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the swing. Before she could even start to scold him for not telling her what he’d been dealing with, he started.

“I’m sorry.”

She didn’t open her eyes. Already the emotion threatened to spill. She’d been on a rollercoaster from the beginning of this relationship, and even now, she didn’t have any regrets. That couldn’t have been normal.

“I should have told you about my cousins when they arrived. I should have told you what they were capable of when Marc was trying to date you. I should have—”

Her eyes flew open, and she placed a finger against his lips. “You’re right. You should have.” She heard Shane groan. “But we can’t live our lives thinking about what we should have done differently. It happened. Ithurt. More than I ever could have imagined. But it’s starting to move into the past.”

Shane still looked so heartbroken. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for the pain I caused you.”

Her heart ached for him in that moment. He’d been through the wringer more than just at Madeline’s hand. He’d had to deal with more pressure than she’d realized. “I love you, Shane.”

His eyes widened. “You do?”

She laughed. “Of course I do. I’ve never stopped loving you. Once you stole my heart, I was done for.” Even though she’d tried to keep the emotion locked away, a tear still slipped down her cheek. “It all makes sense now. The things you said, the way you acted, it was all to keep me safe. And while I don’t condone any of it, I can understand it a little better.”
