Page 79 of Catching a Cowgirl

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“He knows enough to get you put away in prison.”

Her eyes narrowed and she paused, seeming to understand where this was going. “It doesn’t matter what Marc knows. If he were to snitch, he would go away too. Everything I’ve done has both our names all over it. And you won’t do anything because youcaretoo much.” She pouted. “Poor little Shane, always thinking of others instead of himself.” She poked him in the chest. “Don’t ever change, buddy.”

Madeline laughed again, moving across the room back to her seat.

Shane glowered at her, wishing he could wipe that smug expression off her face. “You must think you’re one of the smartest people in the world.”

“Yup,” she said without looking up from her magazine. “I got everything I wanted, and all I had to do was blackmail my rich cousin and a few politicians.” She snickered. “Once I clean that money, I’ll be set for life.”

He stared at her, his eyes wide. When she looked up at him, she sneered. “What? You can’t do anything about it without hurting other people. And what about Brielle? You don’t want me to spread that stuff either. So you’re stuck.”

His heart hammered. He got exactly what he needed on the tape. It would open up an investigation, and she’d get arrested. But she’d made one really good point. Her leverage was how he felt about the Callahans. She could share her secret with anyone. “You know, I have connections at the FBI.”

Her eyes cut to his. “Is that athreat?”

Shane cleared his throat, shaking his head briefly. “Just something to think about. You might want to consider being nicer to me. If you ever found yourself in a tight spot, I would be the one to pull some strings and help you out. Might want to hold onto that trump card of yours.”

The way Madeline’s eyes drilled into him made him itch. He didn’t want anything to do with the woman who looked at him with such a calculating stare. The sooner she was out of his hair, the better. He only hoped that Janice was listening on the other end of this wire and would acknowledge that she’d come through forhimwhen Madeline inevitably got arrested. It was only a matter of time now.

* * *

Shane stood too quicklyand bumped his head on the surveillance van. He winced, rubbing the tender spot.

“You’re sure she’s going to be there?” Janice demanded. She pushed her glasses up farther onto her nose. “Because if we did all of this and she ends up disappearing, there’s nothing I’m gonna be able to do for Marc.”

He nodded as she adjusted the camera she’d attached to his collar. “Madeline won’t miss this because it’s her party. She planned everything right down to the design on the cutlery.”

“How does she even know that many people?”

“She doesn’t. She’s just inviting the whole town, and the folks here are coming because they’regoodpeople.”

Janice lifted a brow. “I’ll never understand why you had to come all the way out here. Then again, I guess the reason is inside that country club all dolled up and about to be arrested. With her gone, are you gonna consider moving back to the city?”

Shane shook his head, an easy smile spreading across his face. “This place is my home now. I love it here.”

“Mmm-hmm. I think it’s a someonethat’s keeping you here.”

His thoughts shifted to Eloise and his grin widened. “Maybe you’re right.” During this whole planning period, he’d had to remain as far away as he could from her. As much as it pained him, he had to let Marc keep an eye on her. Thankfully, Madeline had agreed that Marc swooping in to comfort Eloise was a great plan, and as far as she was concerned, everything was status quo.

Shane stepped back as soon as Janice was done with her work. He needed to confirm something before he went inside. “About Madeline…”

Janice glanced at him. Just by the expression on her face, he could tell she knew where this was headed and didn’t want to participate.

“I need leverage.”

“You know I can’t go to my boss unless I have something concrete. You’re the one who refused to tell me what she was blackmailing you with. For all I know, the stuff she’s holding over your head isn’t worth cutting her a deal. I don’t think my boss is going to go for it.”

“It’s not just that, and you know it. She tracked me down here, and she was willing to wreak havoc on any innocent victim she could use to her advantage. I wager she would have targeted the Callahans even if I hadn’t stepped in. I’m not saying give her a lesser sentence. But maybe don’t put her in the worst prison? We need to give her a reason to keep her secrets about the Callahans—hold something over her head, like not going to the worst prison. Is that something you would have control over?”

She glanced at her watch. “I can’t say. What I can tell you is the sooner we get her into custody, the better for everyone.”

“And what about Marc? You said you’d figure something out for him. A shorter sentence or a fine?”

Janice sighed as she faced him. “I can’t make any promises at this time. I told you I’d do what I could, but that’s all. He was a willing partner in a lot of what Madeline was involved with. Marc worked with her for years.”

“But he’s put a lot on the line. Madeline could hurt him just as much as anyone here.”

She rested her hand on his shoulder. “Let’s get tonight over with first.” Janice’s expression sobered. “You know, there’s one thing I don’t understand. You said Madeline dug up some stuff on the Callahan family that would hurttheirreputation. There aren’t many who would willingly throw away their own happiness to save another.”
