Page 80 of Catching a Cowgirl

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“That doesn’t sound like a question.”

She chuckled. “You’re right. It isn’t. I guess what I’m getting at is that I’m impressed.”

“So you don’t think I’m crazy?”

“Oh, you’re definitely crazy. I don’t know a man in your position who would let anyone yank him around like that. You must really care about these folks.”

“I really do.”

Janice stopped fumbling with whatever she was working on and glanced at him. Her smile widened, and he could see her coming to the same conclusion he had when he arrived in Copper Creek. “Then I suppose it’s all going to work out. Get in there and let’s make this happen. All we need is a clear shot and we can send our guys in to grab her and Marc.”

Shane stepped from the van, straightened his suit jacket, then headed inside. The club was already full of people. Immediately, he was overcome with an undeniable feeling that he belonged there. The people came out to supporthim. Theycaredabout him.

If nothing else, he couldn’t let Madeline stay for that one reason alone. She poisoned everything she touched.

There was only one exception.


Shane’s cousin had been under his sister’s thumb for his entire life, and now he was making the right decisions in spite of his sister’s influence. It was hard not to be proud of how far Marc had come.

He let his gaze sweep through the club. It didn’t appear that Madeline had made her grand entrance yet. She had to be lurking somewhere. Someone tapped on his shoulder, and he turned to find Marc. His cousin shifted nervously, his eyes darting to and fro.

“Have you seen Madeline yet?”

Shane shook his head. “I thought you would have come together.”

Marc glanced toward him. “I came with Eloise.”

Immediately, Shane’s heart took off.

“Is everyone in position?”

His focus landed on Marc, and he forced himself to calm his racing heart. Here was a man who was willingly going into the fire. Shane wasn’t even sure he’d be willing to do the same if he were in that position. Willingly giving up the love of his life to save her was one thing, but to throw his whole life away to put someone he cared about in prison was an entirely different matter.

Shane placed his hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “I don’t think I’ve gotten a chance to tell you this, but I’m impressed by this new you.”

Marc met his gaze, and if Shane wasn’t mistaken, there was a degree of embarrassment that came from his compliment. “Thanks.”

“If you don’t mind my asking… what changed?”

Looking away, Marc squinted at nothing in particular. He took a deep breath and exhaled. “I guess you could say my friendship with Eloise.”

“You barely know her.” It was hard not to let the jealousy sneak up on him. Eloise had said they spent quite a bit of time together, but Shane hadn’t thought it was enough to cause this kind of change.

“I know. But there’s just something about how nice she is. Or maybe it’s this place. I don’t want to see any of them hurt.” He gestured around them. “Copper Creek is a special place. Unlike any other place I’ve experienced.”

Shane chuckled. “That’s what I’ve been saying all along.”

Finally, Marc met his eyes again. “I know when they arrest me, they’re going to take everything. And when I get out, I’m going to need a new place to start over and—”

“You’ll always have a place here.”

Marc worked his jaw. It wasn’t hard to see the way Shane’s statement had hit home with him. He nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Thanks. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.” Shane glanced around at the guests once more. “Where are Eloise and Brielle?”

“I think they went to the kitchen or something.” Marc tilted his head, a smile touching his lips. “What’s up with Brielle? Is she—”
