Page 81 of Catching a Cowgirl

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“Don’t even think about it.” Shane’s voice was sharper than he’d intended it, but Marc didn’t seem to notice.

“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t want me dating your ex.”

“I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be up for the challenge anyway. She’s more complicated than even you can handle.”

Marc scoffed. “I’ll have you know—”

“There’s Madeline.” Shane nodded to the other side of the room, where Madeline swept through the crowd. Her eyes immediately landed on Shane, and she smiled in that wicked way she had perfected. “Don’t give anything away. They’re gonna come inside within the next few minutes,” Shane muttered through his teeth. “Don’t forget to be respectful and go willingly. Janice will notice.” Before he could say anything else, Madeline reached him.

She stood right next to him, reveling in what she thought was her victory. He glanced at Marc out of the corner of his eye, only half-surprised to find him still there.

This was really happening. They were going to get rid of Madeline once and for all.

Madeline pulled away from him, then turned to her brother, disdain clear in her eyes. “Where have you been? You were supposed to come with me.”

“We talked about it. You said I could escort the Callahans.”

Her eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a derisive sneer. “Well, I don’tseethem. I want to make sure they all get a front-row seat to my conquest of Copper Creek.”

“You’re not conquering anything or anyone, Madeline. You might be putting on this show for everyone else, but I’m not going to play along.”

She rolled her eyes, slipping her hand around his elbow and digging her fingers into the muscle there. “You’ll do what I say, or I’ll make your life miserable. I don’t care what the agreement might say. I’ll find more dirt on more people, and you’ll be stuck with me forever because you’re just that gullible.”

He pried her hand from his arm and placed it at her side. “You only have so much leverage, Madeline. I’d be careful how you use it.” Where was the crew? Weren’t they supposed to be storming the castle by now? He needed this to be over. They all did.

Madeline opened her mouth, probably preparing to throw the gauntlet down, when the doors burst open and half a dozen agents strode into the room. Janice led the fray, coming right to them. She held up a document.

“Madeline Owens, we have a warrant for your arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law…”

His cousin’s eyes flew wide, and she darted behind Shane, screeching his name and demanding to have her lawyer present, but he moved to give the agents access to her. Madeline swore obscenities at him, then her eyes narrowed. “Do you realize what you’ve just done? You’ve orchestrated your own destruction. I can still spill everything I learned about these people and—”

Janice yanked on her arm once her wrists were handcuffed together. “I’d be careful what you say next. You wouldn’t want to add defamation to the growing list of charges.” She glanced at Shane, her smile more strained than anything else.

“It’s not defamation if it’s true.”

Shane stepped toward her, his voice lowering so only she could hear. “With the evidence we have, you’re going to be locked away for a long time. You might want to start making friends now while you still have a chance. This is my collegefriend, Agent Murphey. You’ll recall I have a few friends in high places.”

Madeline swore at him, her glare shooting sparks of fury. “You’ll be sorry you did this, Shane. Mark my words.”

Another agent approached Marc, but he held his hands up. “I’m coming peacefully.”

“I’m sorry. It’s policy.” The agent glanced at Shane, then slipped the cuffs around Marc’s wrists. “I’ll take them off once we get into the car.”

“I’m going to get you a lawyer. We’ll do what we can to get you out of this,” Shane promised.

Marc offered a wan smile. “I’ll be fine. Just don’t go back on your promise, okay?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

As Marc was being guided toward the door, Eloise rushed past Shane. She threw her arms around Marc and gave him an awkward hug. Her lips moved, but Shane couldn’t tell what she was saying to him. Marc nodded, and the agent nudged him forward.

Shane approached Eloise’s side. He didn’t dare ask what she’d said—he didn’t think he could handle it. Instead, he draped his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him.

“I guess it would be a good idea to make an announcement, huh?”

Eloise let out a sad laugh. “Probably. It’s not every day that folks around here get to see a billionaire’s cousin, who’s also the hostess of the party, get hauled off in cuffs. They might have a few questions.”

