Page 83 of Catching a Cowgirl

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She laughed. “Okay, I get it. Now let’s get going so we can have our picnic and head back to my ranch. Faye asked me to do some of her chores, so I have to get back sooner rather than later.”

“I have a feeling you’re going to want to take your time when I show you what I’ve got going on.”

This right here was one of the reasons she loved Shane so much. He was always thinking about other people. She couldn’t think of a single person who did that more. Shane was a good man, and he’d become one despite those around him that wanted to drag him down. At times, it was hard to accept that out of anyone in the world, he’d chosenher.

He climbed into the saddle and nodded toward the trail that would take them to the property he was talking about. The ride was a lot shorter than she’d expected. They must have gotten pretty far from the club for them to come up against the fence that divided the ranch from Shane’s first property.

She glanced up and down the fence line that stretched for miles in either direction. “There isn’t a gate. How are we supposed to get the horses on the other side?”

He climbed down and offered her his hand. “We walk. I’ll grab the food. There’s a perfect spot for our picnic.”

“Yeah? Is there a pond or a creek? Or maybe there’s a clearing surrounded by flowers?”

“You’ll see.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips, then took her hand in his. “I’m not going to ruin the surprise, so you’re just going to have to be patient.” He dipped low to climb through the fence, then rose on the other side. His eyes flashed with excitement as he jerked his chin in the direction they’d be headed.

All this secrecy only added to the fun. Her chest filled with flutters as she followed the path he’d taken. His hand slipped easily into hers, and they were off.

Her thoughts shifted to Marc. While they’d gotten a lot of updates on Madeline’s progress through the judicial system, she’d heard next to nothing about Marc. She didn’t know if they were going to cut him a decent deal or if he’d end up serving a full sentence.

“Have you heard from Marc?”

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “Why do you ask?”

Eloise shrugged. “I guess I miss him. I sorta wish he hadn’t needed to do what he did—though I get it. I just think it shouldn’t have gone down like that.”

“To be fair, he was involved in his share of criminal acts.”

“I know, but people change. Even you have to admit that.”

He sighed. “Yeah. You’re completely right on that front. Marc changed for the better.” His hand squeezed hers, drawing her focus to his face. “He told me the reason for that, you know.”

“He did?”

Shane nodded, bringing her hand to his lips again. She almost sensed a nervousness about him, as strange as that was. He tore his gaze from hers, letting his focus sweep over the landscape. “He said it was because of your friendship.”

She laughed, which earned her a surprised look from Shane. “I’m sorry. It’s notfunny. I just don’t believe that something like that happens.”

He stopped and faced her. “Itdoes. And it did for me, too. You changed something in me. You made me want more out of life—more for myself. Before you, I was willing to continue doing everything I could to help others. It was my way of making sense of the gifts I’d been given. I was lucky, Eloise. I was taken in by a loving couple and then again by a man who didn’t have to. My family gave me a second chance at life—one I still don’t feel like I deserve.”

“How can you say that? You do so much for so many people.”

“That’s what I’m saying. I do it to maintain this… balance.” He peered at her, moving closer. “But you helped me see that I deserve to find my own kind of happiness. And I found it with you. I’ve finally been able to give myself permission to do something for myself.”

His words hit with more force than she was anticipating. She held back the emotion that threatened to overflow. Shane had just taught her it wasn’t enough just to be a good person for everyone else, but to value oneself, too. She bit her lips together and nodded. “I get it.”

He waited for another moment, then motioned again in the direction they were headed. “It’s just over the crest of that hill.”

Her eyes followed his gesture, and together they hiked to the top. An adorable farmhouse was situated in the middle of nowhere with a barn and a small corral. The ranch looked to only be big enough for crop production. She hated to think that this cute place would be torn down to be added to Shane’s growing empire.

Eloise glanced at Shane and smiled. “It’slovely.”

“I sense a ‘but’ coming.”

She bit back a smile. “ButI think you should leave it as it is. I’m sure some small family would love living here.”

“I’m sure you’re right. That’s why it isn’t for the club.”

Her eyes darted to meet his just before the sound of a wooden storm door echoed across the field in front of them. Her focus returned to the house. She squinted, then her eyes flew wide and she spun to face Shane with a gasp. She put her hands on her hips, her tone accusatory. “Why didn’t you tell me Marc is here? How long—”
