Page 84 of Catching a Cowgirl

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He placed a finger on her lips. “He got a deal. He’s going to be under house arrest for a year, and then for the next four years, he’ll be confined to Copper Creek. The judge agreed to have him work for me when it gets to that point.”

Even from here, she could tell Marc was smiling as he leaned against the column holding the house’s porch awning up. “You did it,” she whispered. “You came through for him.”

“Yes…” he drawled, “but I did it for you, too. I know how close you two got over the last few months. I figured it would be good for him if you remained a positive influence in his life.”

She threw her arms around his neck and her lips crashed over his. This had to be the most selfless act Shane had ever done, and he’d done it for her.

Their kiss was thwarted when his lips curled into a smile. Eloise pulled back to give him a strange look.

“I almost wondered if you wouldn’t approve.”

Her expression pinched as she glanced over toward the house and Marc. “Why wouldn’t I approve.”

He chuckled. “Because I had to spend a great deal of money to make this work. Getting the ranch back from the auction alone was—”

This time she put her finger to his lips. “I guess sometimes it’s okay to use your money to impress a girl. Especially if it means helping family.”

“We can definitely agree on that.” He pulled her close again, brushing her hair from her face. “I love you, Eloise. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Any attempt to quell the flutters inside her was futile. She tilted her head, keeping her tone light. “You’re not proposing to me. Are you?”

“Would that be a problem?”

She shrugged.

“Well, Ididhave this whole thing planned where we could fly out to that lake in Texas and recreate our first date… but I suppose here is just as good.”

Her eyes flew wide and she stumbled back from him. “You’re not serious.”

“Oh, I assure you. One day I will ask you to marry me. And you will say yes.”

She blinked, her heart thundering so hard she was sure he could hear it. “Is that so?”

“Yep.” Shane closed the distance between them once more. “Be ready, Miss Callahan. I fully intend on sweeping you off your feet.”

Eloise crossed her arms and let out a laugh. “How are you going to do that if you don’t even know how to dance?”

“You know how to make a guy work for it, you know?”

She couldn’t help herself. There was no more need to play, flirt, or otherwise string him along. Eloise slipped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes so her face was inches from his. “Haven’t you figured it out by now? I’m already yours.”



“This isn’t going to work,” Shane said in exasperation.

“Relax. You’re doing great.” Brielle placed her hand on his shoulder. “Come on. One more dance and then you can get out there and make Eloise the happiest woman in the world.”

He remained stiff, finding it difficult to allow her to help him. Brielle was the only one who had been willing and available to teach him how to dance. In hindsight, he should have just been patient and gone to the city for professional classes. But that ring had been burning a hole in his pocket since the day he surprised Eloise with Marc’s return. One month later, and he knew he couldn’t hold onto it one day more.

Eloise would be his, and he would be hers.

“Don’t watch your feet,” Brielle admonished. “She’s going to think you’re trying to look down her dress.”

He shot her a dark look which only caused her to laugh.

“Come on, I’m allowed. You asked yourexto teach you how to dance so you could impress hersisterand ask her to marry you. I’m never not going to push your buttons.”
