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“I told you I’d take you.”

“That’s fine. I just want to make it easy.”

“I’ll drop you off at the trattoria. You’ll have a soldier—”

“It’s lunch in the middle of the day in the middle of town.”

“He’ll be subtle.”


“Until we figure out who was up at the lighthouse, you will not be left unguarded. That’s my condition, Madelena. If you want to have lunch with your brother, you will be accompanied by a soldier.”

“Fine.” She folds her arms across her chest, tension between us, the ease of the last week vanished.

I squeeze her knee. “I won’t take a chance with you.”

She exhales. “You’re going overboard.”

“Humor me.”


We ride in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When we get to the trattoria, a soldier is already waiting there. I’d prefer Val, but I need him for something else. I park the SUV and walk around to Madelena’s side. She’s already out by the time I reach her.

“I’ll walk you in.” I set my hand at her lower back, and we head toward the restaurant’s glass door. It’s located in a strip mall. I wouldn’t look at it twice, but as soon as we’re inside, I realize why it’s so busy. The food smells delicious.

“Maria’s grandmother opened this place before I was born,” Madelena says. “It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but the food is the best.”

“I can smell that.” I look around at the dozen tables, which are all full. I spot Odin at the back. When he sees me, he scowls, but gets to his feet.

I turn Madelena toward me and kiss her cheek. “Remember, Hells Bells is our secret.”

“We have so many,” she tells me as Odin approaches.

“Happy birthday,” Odin tells his sister, kissing her on the cheek. “Table is set for two,” he says, holding onto one of Madelena’s hands.

“Don’t worry, I’m leaving.”

Madelena rolls her eyes. “I’m starving.”

A woman watches us from behind the cash register. Madelena waves.

“Maria?” I ask Madelena.

She nods. “Want me to introduce you?”

“Nope. I’ll introduce myself.”


“Go, have your lunch. You have a little more than an hour before you have to be at the law office.”

“Come on, Maddy,” Odin says. He leads her to their table. Once she’s settled, I approach Maria, who is measuring me up.

“So, you’re the Augustine they’re all talking about,” she says.

“That’s probably my brother,” I say, extending a hand. “Santos. Pleased to meet you.”
