Page 144 of Face Off Flirting

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The smell of Seb all over the hoodie made my toes curl.

We ended up outside on the balcony.

My favorite place to be.

A place he never used until I showed up.

As I walked by him, he grabbed me and sat me down on his lap.

My cheeks turned bright red.

“Problem?” Seb whispered.

“No,” I said. “Not at all.”

“How long have you wanted this, April?” Seb asked. “To just sit down on my lap like this?”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Oh, wow. You think you’re all tough and cool now? Because you got into my panties?”

“You’re not wearing any panties right now. I know that for sure.”

“I was when this thing started.”

“Okay. You don’t have to talk to me about it then. I get it.”

“Seb, you know I’ve had a thing for you from the second I saw you,” I said. “Do you really want me to talk about it? For what? To inflate your ego?”

“Maybe a little,” he said.

“You know what? Fine. I’m living in a dream,Sebby. I’m sitting on your lap and it feels good to do. Oh, and the hoodie? I’ve wanted to wear your hoodie like this for a long time. Actually… I did once before.”

“You did? When? I don’t remember.”

“You wouldn’t remember. I stole your hoodie once.”

“You stole my hoodie, April?”

I nodded. “You were at practice. You left it at our house. So I grabbed it, ran to my bedroom and wore it.”

“Did you smell it?”

“Of course I did,” I said. “A crush like that has no boundaries, Seb. You wouldn’t understand.”

“You think that? For real?”

I snorted a laugh, then took a sip of coffee.

I stared out to the ocean.

After a few seconds of silence, Seb said, “It wasn’t all one-sided.”

“Yeah, right, Seb. You don’t have to do that. I know how I looked when I was younger. Some people are just good looking and tackle puberty with pride. I was like a piece of gum run over by a dump truck every hour on the hour.”

“Don’t forget the braces,” he said.

“Exactly. No way you thought anything of me. Other than me being a pain in the ass. And dorky.”

“Come on, babe, give me some credit. The mouth full of metal? The messy hair? The weird clothes.”
