Page 155 of Face Off Flirting

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Like a thousand fantasies coming together at once.

“There,” I said to Seb. “Look. I sent it. Happy?”

“Are you, April?”

“Yeah. I am happy. I’m really happy.”

In seconds, my phone started to go off like crazy.

Messages from all three.

Steph. Poppy. Katie.

Mostly it was emojis.

Everything from a shocked faced to an eggplant.

I ended up turning my phone completely off because I knew they weren’t going to stop texting. They’d go on and on until I replied. And when I didn’t reply, they’d assume Seb and I were naked. That would only fuel them to keep texting, debating who was doing what to who.

I tucked my phone into my back pocket.

“It’s off,” I said. “You don’t know the firestorm that text will start.”

“Good or bad?” Seb asked.

We both smiled at each other.

I turned and faced the ocean.

The night was perfect.

Almost too perfect.

Somewhere inside my heart I waited for something to go wrong.

Only that didn’t happen.

Instead, it got better.

Seb stepped behind me.

His big, strong body pressed against mine.

His hands touched my hips.

For a handful of seconds we just existed in that moment.

The rush of the waves.

That gentle crashing sound.

I reached down and brushed my right fingertips to his right hand.

Then I turned my head and looked up.

He had that certain look in his eyes.

He knows. He somehow knows everything about me.
