Page 160 of Face Off Flirting

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Atlas rested flat on his back, hands behind his head, eyes shut.

Out cold.

Poor guy must have been living thatnew dadlife pretty hard.

Late night diaper changes, making bottles and crying sessions.

I almost thought about stopping Jago.

Then again…

Part of me wanted to see Atlas throw him through a window.

Jago hovered over Atlas.

He looked back at me and nodded.

I didn’t make a move. I wanted no part of this disaster.

Jago looked down at Atlas again.

Very slowly, Jago began to tilt the water bottle.

A second later, Atlas’s voice growled, “One droplet hits my face and I’m shoving a fifty pound weight up your ass. Sideways.”

“Oh, come on, man!” Jago yelled.

Atlas’s eyes popped open and he sat up.

Then he stood up.

Grumpy. Mean. Irritated.

He grabbed Jago’s hand and squeezed the water bottle, sending a spray of water into the air and down to the floor.

“That’s what Hazel is like when she sees me,” Jago said.

That’s when I had to jump in.

I made it in time, before Atlas could get his hands on Jago.

Of course Jago made the situation worse by laughing.

Henry suddenly appeared, taking deep breaths, a towel around his neck.

“What’s going on here?” he asked.

He stepped on a wet spot on the floor and started to fall.

Joe appeared from nowhere and grabbed the back of Henry’s shirt and kept him from falling.

“Who got the floor wet?” Henry called out.

“Your mom after I was done with her!” Rome yelled without missing a split second.

“Ah, man, it’s like the season never ended,” I said.

Henry shook his head.
