Page 167 of Face Off Flirting

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“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t they be?”

Did Seb call my brother for some reason?

“I’m just asking,” Andy said. “He’s my best friend. You’re my sister. I didn’t intend on you staying as long as you are. I just want to make sure nothing happens.”

“Happens? What would happen?”

Calm down, April. If your voice goes any higher you might as well just tell him you’re fucking his best friend.

“You and Seb are like oil and water,” Andy said. “Last thing I need is some adult argument where I’m stuck in the middle between you two.”

“And if that happened, you’d take my side, right?”

Andy laughed. “Even I know how much of a pain in the ass you can be, April. No offense.”

“Wow. My own brother. Stabbing me in the back like that? Ouch.”

“You know how you are. Plus, it’s no secret about your… little crush…”

My face burned ten shades hotter. “Really?”

“What? You’ve had a thing for him for a long time.”

“I was young. That was a lifetime ago.”


“Please. I was, what… not even a teenager yet when I first met Seb? You brought this big, strong, cute boy around? What was I supposed to do? Of course I had a crush on him.Then.”

“You sure about that?”

“Positive, Andy,” I said. “If you want me to move out of here, I will. But, honestly, I don’t feel like going to some house I’ve never been in before. Some big empty mansion on the beach. With random guys trying to work on the place? No thanks. What if I’m taking a shower and some plumber shows up and sees me?”

“Hey, I’ve seen movies that sort of start out that way,” Andy said. “If you know what I mean.”

“You are disgusting,” I said. “Talking to your sister like that. Ew. I feel sick now.”

Andy cracked up. “Okay. I’ll let you go then. Just take it easy over there. Don’t burn any bridges with Seb. And if those old crush feelings kick up, just remember… Seb isn’t the guy who likes to settle ever. I’m shocked you’re still there because of his bedroom activity. Unless he’s handling business elsewhere.”

A flood of jealousy hit me.

Seb touching someone else. Seb kissing someone else. Seb doing things to someone else that he did to me.

“I’m even more grossed out now,” I said. “I don’t want to think about any of that stuff. Okay?”

“Okay. How about you wish me good luck on the next series, then I’ll hang up and get drunk.”

“And watch that movie about the woman in the shower and the plumber?” I asked.

“Of course,” Andy said.

“So sick,” I said. “Good luck. With everything. Don’t hurt your wrist before the next series.”

Andy laughed and I hung up.

I felt icky.

Hearing my brother talk like that.
