Page 170 of Face Off Flirting

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Too late now though, I had spoken the words.

“You were supposed to be on the balcony!” April yelled.

“So this is my fault somehow?”

“Yes! You said you were on the balcony! What are you doing here?”

“Here? As in my bedroom? As in the bedroom I pay for as part of my rent, along with the rest of the apartment?”

Her green-gooped nostrils flared at me.

I stepped back. “You’re not going to shoot green fire out of your nose, are you?”

“You’re the worst, Seb! The absolute worst! I can’t get a second of privacy around here, can I?”

“So, again, this is somehow my fault?”

April curled her lip.

Her white teeth contrasted against her green face.

“You. Said. You. Were. Going. To. Be. On. The. Balcony.”

“Let me ask you something,” I said. “How many times have you worn this stuff since you’ve been here? Do you sneak around at night, dressed like that? Does that scare away ghosts and monsters or something? Or are you part of some secret club? Wait a second, April. Are you going to rob a bank? At night?The Green Faced Bandit.Is that why you needed to hide out here?”

April blinked fast.

She looked ready to cry.

Over the top embarrassed.

Not that I helped matters by saying what I said.

For some reason I suddenly saw her as cute, little April again. Forever vulnerable. Easy for me to tease, but never too far because I would never hurt her.

“You’re such a bastard, Seb,” she said. “I just wanted a little privacy. That’s all.”

“To paint your face? It’s a little early for Halloween, isn’t it? Or is this a fantasy of yours? Do you want to get some candy and chocolates? You can stand outside the door and knock. Oh, wait. Is this atrick or treatsex thing? Like you show up to the door for Halloween and I don’t have any candy. And then you say something like,well, if you don’t have any candy, what can you give me instead?”

April stared.

I smirked.

“Okay, the Halloween thing was too far,” I said. “I’ll admit that. But you have to give me some credit here. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten to pick on you. You showing up all grown up and beautiful…”

“Fuck yourself, Seb,” April spat. “Hear that? Fuck. Yourself.”

She turned and bolted toward the balcony.

There was no way for her to lock herself out there.

Although I could have locked her out, but I would never do that.

She stood out on the balcony as I stood in the doorway to the bedroom.

I rubbed my chin.

Too far, Seb?
