Page 187 of Face Off Flirting

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When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t see anything different.

But I felt different.

This thing with Seb…my Sebby…just…

It made my knees tremble just thinking about it.

That trembling feeling quickly moved from my knees to other places.

I had to be careful.

Getting turned on so easily and so much in public wasn’t exactly a good thing.

Feeling my body tugging at my panties and my jeans pushing against my panties…

Listen to you, April. Listen to how you sound. This is just like the time you found that ‘secret pillow’ and rode that thing until the stitching ripped apart! Remember that, April? Studying for a college final exam and you throw the books on the floor and reach under your bed in your dorm to find your ‘secret pillow’ …

Oh, and it gets better, doesn’t it?

What did you call that ‘secret pillow’?

I refused to answer the question.

In my mind.

Or out loud.

There was no way I was going to-

“Seb,” I whispered as I parked my car. “Seb. That was the name of the pillow I used to hump all the time.”

Now that I said it, my mind eased.

I grabbed my bag and walked toward Sabrina’s place.

Of course I spotted her walking from the beach.

Sand clung to her right arm and the right side of her face.

“Are you okay?” I called out.

“Perfect,” Sabrina said. “I meditated. Then I took a nap. I let the ocean speak to me. I let the ocean guide me. Tell me what I’m going to do next. It was special.”

Yeah. Special. That’s a good word for it all.

Sabrina led the way.

Inside we found Aurora walking around, burning sage, waving her hand up and down, leaving giant trails of smoke that helped to thicken the air with ease.

Aurora looked at me. She smiled.


She nodded. She got closer to me. “Love.”

One word that sent my cheeks on fire.

