Page 214 of Face Off Flirting

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My brother… holding one of my bras…

Andy threw the bra into the air.

Seb reached up and hooked his hands under Andy’s armpits.

He then launched up and through the air.

Andy did a full front flip and landed on his back.

Seb rolled to his stomach and did a pushup move, bringing himself to his knees.

Then he climbed to his feet.

Andy reached up and gasped for air.

“You hurt him!” I yelled at Seb.

“He just lost his breath for a second,” Seb said.

Seb walked toward Andy and looked down at him.

“You alive?” Seb asked.

“I’m going to kill you,” Andy said with minimal amount of air. “When I catch my breath. I’m going to kill you.”

“No, you’re not,” Seb said.

“Put some fucking clothes on,” Andy said as he arched his back and reached back. “I can see your dick up your shorts.”

“Your just jealous at how big mine is,” Seb said.

“Ew!” I cried. “Ew! Super ew! Ew!”

Andy lifted his head. “And you. Put some fucking clothes on too. We need to talk.”

“Not unless I say so,” Seb said.

He put a foot on Andy’s chest.

Andy punched Seb’s ankle.

Seb jumped back. “Hey! That fucking hurt, man!”

“Good,” Andy said.

I finally stepped between the two.

“That’s enough,” I said. “You two are acting like grown-up idiot children.”

“You fucked my best friend!” Andy yelled.

I cringed. “Well… yeah. I did. Okay?”

“See?” Seb said. “It’s not a big deal.”

I turned and pointed at Seb. “You. Go into the bathroom.”

“The bathroom? Why?”
