Page 216 of Face Off Flirting

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“I’m not pregnant,” I said.

“But you’re screwing him. You’re screwing my best friend.”

“And your best friend is screwing your sister,” I said.

Andy took a gulp of beer. “Just… why? Why Seb?”

“Have you seen Seb? My goodness.”

“Okay, that was a bad question,” Andy said. “I just…” He sighed. “How does this work? You’re not living here, right?”

I shook my head. “I actually just got the call that my gig here is over. That’s why my bags were on the floor. I was getting ready to leave.”

“But you and Seb needed one more… you know.”

“I can go into details if you’d like.”

“Spare me,” Andy said. “Of all people though? Really? I mean, you were with someone for a while, right?”

I shivered. “Doesn’t matter. You can’t tell me who to love.”

Andy’s knees buckled. “Love? Did you just say the word love? You mean… you…”

I nodded. “I love him. I really do. I’ve always loved him. But being this close to him now proved it. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear. I’m not going to hide it. I really don’t care what you think. Sorry if that hurts you.”

“My best friend,” Andy said. “Now what do I do? I’m going to have to kill him. I have no choice, April. He’s going to hurt you. He’s going to sleep with other women. You’re too involved. He’s just looking to get laid.”

“You don’t know what he’s looking for,” I said.

“Seriously? Are you going to try and convince me that he cares about you the way you care about him?” Andy asked. “Oh, come on, April. Don’t be that naive.”

“Maybe you should ask him yourself,” I said.

I nodded toward the door.

Seb slid the glass door open and stepped out.

Wearing a shirt now.

Still in shorts.

Andy made a move toward Seb.

I grabbed his wrist, twisted it and pushed it back.

Andy let out a yelp of pain and jumped to his toes.

“Okay! I get it!”

“No violence,” I said.

“Fine! Stop hurting me!” Andy cried.

I released the hold and looked at Seb.

“One wrong move from either of you and I will beat the hell out of both of you,” I warned. “I’m not kidding either.”

I walked toward the door.
