Page 221 of Face Off Flirting

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“And I did. That first apartment she looked at. Man, that was scary in there.”

“Yeah, sure. It was probably fucking nice. And you made that up to get her back here so you could seduce her.”

I laughed again. “Your brain is messed up, Andy.”

“Of course it is! My best friend and my sister are screwing! And on top of that, they’re in love? Really?”

“Really,” I said.

Andy rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know what’s worse then. If you two just hooked up once or twice for fun, that’s one thing. I get that. Maybe. You two together. Alone. The idea of proximity and having needs. Fine. Get it out of your system. Let me smack you in the mouth for going near her. Fine. But falling in love? Wanting this to be real? That feels worse to me for some reason.”

“Of course it’s worse,” I said. “It’s riskier. It’s scary. But look at me, Andy. You know me. You’re the closest friend I’ve ever had. And I always protected April. I always took care of her. And I’ll do that now. I’ll never hurt her.”

“That’s a lie though, man. You know you can hurt her. You know feelings can change and that causes hurt.”

“You’re right. I guess love means taking the chance then.”

“What about us?” Andy asked. “Our friendship.”

“Just trust me then. That’s all I can say. Just trust me.”

I stuck my beer bottle out.

Andy took a deep breath.

He shook his head and hit his bottle against mine.

It wasn’t acceptance.

But it was a start.

Andy hugged April.

“Good luck,” she whispered to him.

“Thanks. Make sure you watch the games. Both of you. And please be fully dressed when you do so.”

“Can’t promise that,” I said.

I put my hand out and Andy grabbed it.

We aggressively pulled at each other.

Our bodies collided.

No hug this time.

Andy shook his head.

“I know,” I said. “You’ll get over it. At least you know she’s taken care of. And that she’s safe.”

Andy backed up out of my apartment.

He stood there for a few seconds looking at April and me.

April moved closer to me and I grabbed her hand.

Andy watched, his eyes wide.
