Page 234 of Face Off Flirting

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He pulled open the fridge to use it as a shield.

I looked at April again. “Go ahead. Call the police. I’ll stick around to tell them everything that happened.”

I started to walk away and April grabbed my arm. “Seb. How? How did you know?”

My jaw tightened.

Too much emotion inside me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. “You just showed up and played it all off. Were you getting texts the entire time?”

“You went through my phone.”

“No, April. I didn’t go through your phone. I saw something I shouldn’t have. Or maybe I should have. What would have happened if I wasn’t here?”

“I don’t know, Seb,” she said. A tear from each eye leaked down her cheek. “I really don’t know. He’s a fucking psycho. Obviously.”

“And you ran to me. You ran toyour Sebby. For protection. And instead of telling me what was going on, you just hid it. That’s what I was to you? Protection? Is that why you ended up in my bed? This guy scares you and you run to me?”


“You used me, April. I never let myself become vulnerable to anyone. Except you. And this is the reason why.”

“You’ve been fucking this guy?” April’s psycho ex yelled from the kitchen.

“One more word and I’ll rip your tongue out,” I said to him.

He sat with his back against the wall, showing me his hands.

He left cheek was so puffy, his eye was partially shut.

The cut on his cheek definitely needed stitches.

I looked at April again.

I shook my head.

“Seb,” she said. “I didn’t tell you. You weren’t supposed to know. I didn’t…”

“Don’t lie to me now, babe,” I said. “My heart already feels a little shattered. Don’t finish it off with a lie.”

I touched her face and swiped a tear off her cheek.

She used me to protect her.

I fell in love with her.

And it all led to this moment.

But, hey, at least April and I would have one hell of a breakup story, right?

Chapter Forty


My heart didn’t just ache.

My heart was shattered.
