Page 262 of Face Off Flirting

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Easy as fuck…

I took the shot and -GOAL.

Not even ten seconds onto the ice.

The siren blared and the fans cheered.

I skated to Rome and hugged him.

“Great pass, man,” I said.

“I love that fucking play,” he said.

April cheered for me but then I lost her attention when Hazel asked her to hold Juniper Evelyn.

April quickly wiped her hands and took the baby from Hazel.

It made my heart jump into my throat a little.

Holding a baby looked way too good and natural for April.

Of course the first thing she did was look for me.

Then she lifted Juniper Evelyn’s little left hand and waved it at me.

“Hey, pay attention, asshole.”

I turned and looked at Andy.

“She looks good with a baby, huh?” I asked.

“Fuck you, Seb,” Andy said.

“Should we give them a show? Like old times?”

“Fine by me,” Andy said.

As soon as the puck hit the ice, Andy and I threw our sticks and gloves down.

Everyone cleared out around us.

And we went right for it.

I pulled at his jersey and he pulled at mine.

He punched his closed hand under my jaw.

I did the same to him.

“Come on, Seb, swing,” he said.

“You first.”

“I have nothing to swing about.”

“Just remember, Andy. I can say I fucked your sister and it’s true.”

Andy growled and threw a right punch.
