Page 40 of Face Off Flirting

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He cupped his hands around his mouth.

“Good to know you didn’t get laid last night, Sebastian,”Detomyelled. “Maybe stop playing like shit and you will!”

One thing aboutDetom, he knew how to get us all fired up.

By the time practice ended, Jago hadn’t given up another goal.

Rome was pissed over that.

Atlas wanted to fight Joe.

Henry tried to be the peacekeeper.

As for me?

I passed the puck a lot, set up plays, and caught myself thinking about April way too much.

Not that I had much of a choice.

She was living in my apartment.

And we had no rules in place. No guidelines.

No real plan either.

Detomcalled practice and walked to the locker room.

We followed.

He stood on a chair, waiting for us.

Arms folded.

“That’s how to end practice,” he said. “That’s how we end this season. I will not coach a team that just rolls over and dies.”

“I bet Sebastian’s best friend’s sister rolled over last night,” Rome whispered.

I looked at Rome, shaking my head.

“We have plenty to accomplish here,”Detomsaid. “I hope you’re ready.”

“We’re ready,” Henry said. “We don’t quit. You know that about us. We don’t fucking quit!”

“Yeah!” Joe bellowed so hard, the room shook.

Detomnodded and walked away.

I looked at Jago and nodded.

He hurried to strip off some of his pads and grabbed for his insulated bag.

He opened it and took out a six pack of beer.

Bottles were passed out.

Then everyone looked to me for a quick speech.

“I’ve got nothing,” I said. “We know who we are. We have some games left. Blah, fucking blah. Enjoy life. Cheers.”
