Page 63 of Face Off Flirting

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I threw on the water and hunched over the sink, opening my mouth as wide as I could, letting the water rinse out my mouth.

“Seb?” April’s voice cried out. “Seb, where are you? I’m going to call an ambulance!”

I popped up and turned, throwing water across the kitchen.

April stood close but not close enough to get wet.

“No ambulance!” I managed to yell. “I’ll be fine!”

My tongue felt twice its size.

I had never experienced an allergic reaction bad enough to warrant medical attention.

But this felt pretty damn close to it, huh?

I leaned back over the sink.

“I didn’t realize what was in those,” April said. “I’m so sorry, Seb. Don’t think I did this on purpose.”

I stood and turned again.

More water thrown across the kitchen.

“Why would you say that?” I yelled. “On purpose? Like… what? You want to poison me? You want to try and take me out?”

“I said I didn’t!” April cried. “I swear! I know you’re allergic to ginger. I didn’t know there was ginger in that health bar!”

I growled deep in my throat.

Which by the way - that was now itchy too!

I turned the water off to the sink and stood there.

The itching mixed into some tingling.

The tingling mixed with some swelling.

I was far from being out of the clear yet.

“Seb, what can I do here?” April asked. “I can call for help. I can get some medicine. What do I do? I am so sorry about this. I can’t believe this. Please… let me help…”

I stomped closer to April.

I touched her arms and picked her up and moved her to the right.

Then I made a line for the bathroom.

April chased right after me.

“Tell me what you’re feeling,” she said. “Just in case I have to tell someone.”

I paused and looked back. “Are you trying to kill me? Huh? Mad at me for something from ten years ago? Is that what this is?”

“No!” April yelled. “I thought if you tried and liked that health bar…”

“Yeah, I’ll give a fucking testimony,” I said. “Look at my face!”

April swallowed hard.
