Page 79 of Face Off Flirting

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She stood, clapping. Smiling and nodding at me.

Not just a regular smile either.

She seemed impressed by me.

And I liked that feeling… a lot.

The game endedwith a score of three-zero.

I scored two goals.

The third goal was an empty net shot from Joe.

Jago kept good on his word to shut out the team that rejected him.

I kept good on my word to make sure we won the game.

There was a buzzing high from all of us as we walked down the tunnel toward the locker room.

We were all celebrating something different, I was sure of that.

Atlas buzzed to get the season over to spend time with Hazel and his newborn daughter.

Jago felt great for taking on the team that saidnoto him.

Rome wanted to shower, change, and go get laid.

Joe and Henry… I had no idea what they were thinking.

As for me?

I wanted to see April.

Before that, I had to deal with the media.

A group of reporters waiting for me in the locker room.

Wanting to ask me about the game. About my two goals. Wanting to know if tonight’s game was a preview for next season.

I gave the standard answers.

I called Jago over so he could get in his two cents.

Which was to make fun of the other team.

That would certainly stir up some thoughts on social media and plant the seeds of a rivalry between us and San Francisco.

I got through the entire thing and as the reporters began to move out of the locker room, I spotted April waiting just outside.

I must have smiled the wrong way -or right way- because I suddenly had the attention of all the guys.

Rome led the charge by making groaning noises at me.

Jago humped his goalie stick.

The rest just wiggled their eyebrows.

