Page 80 of Face Off Flirting

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I shut the locker room door behind me.

“Hey,Auggie,” I said.

“Sebby. That was a good game. Congrats on scoring.”


“I haven’t been to a hockey game in forever.”

“Not even to support your own brother?”

April rolled her eyes. “No thanks.”

“Well, I’m honored you showed up tonight.”

“You should be.”

“Hey, I’m going to grab a quick shower and then we can get out of here. The more I linger, the more people will want to talk to me and ask dumb questions.”

April cleared her throat. “Sebastian, how did it feel to score a goal?”

She pretended to put a microphone in my face.

“That’s cute, April,” I said. “Wait for me, okay?”

“Sure. I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

I smiled.

And then without thinking, I leaned down toward her.

My mind didn’t even catch up with my body until after my lips brushed against hers.

My tongue a split second away from making themaybe innocentkiss into something hotter.

I pulled back and turned away.

What the hell did I just do that for?

Chapter Fourteen


It’s been exactlytwo hours and three minutes since the kiss.

I glanced at my phone.

Make that two hours and four minutes since the kiss.

Since Seb pressed his lips to mine.

And what do I do with that?

I rolled to my left side and stared at the television.

I had the volume turned down toone.

My body refused to go to sleep until I had answers.
