Page 90 of Face Off Flirting

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“Do we have lines drawn?” I asked.

“I think we’re getting there. Do you have wine at your place?”

“Of course I do.”

“Right,” Kailey said. “You probably have a cabinet of everything. Depending on your night. Your date. Right?”

“No comment.”

“Do you have condoms?”

“Of course I do. Are you on birth control too?”

“Of course I am,” Kailey said. “Are you going to pay the tab for these drinks?”

“Already did.”

Kailey nodded. “Seems like we can sit here and talk or just go back to your place.”

“What are your plans tomorrow?”

“Why? Looking to make this an all-day thing?”


“Good.” She stood up. “I have a deposition at noon. Make it count, Sebastian.”

I stood up. “This does not get talked about.”

“Oh, really? I can’t write about you on my blog?Famous Hockey Players I Fuck.”

“Funny,” I said.

I liked when things went to plan.

No surprises.

No worries.

I also liked that Kailey had her own means of transportation.

As soon as we arrived at my apartment, I went into the kitchen to get the wine.

Two glasses. One bottle.

I felt good.


Finally able to take a breath and enjoy myself a little.

I reminded myself that Andy’s favor was to have April here for a minute.

A minute.

I grabbed the wine glasses and turned.

Kailey stood just outside the kitchen, holding up her left hand.
