Page 96 of Face Off Flirting

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“It was nothing but physical need, okay?”

My knees almost buckled. “Okay. I get it. It’s not all that easy for me either. Believe it or not, Seb, I have sexual needs too.”

Seb looked away.

“What? You can’t hear that?”

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to hear right now, April.”

“How about you hear my apology one more time. Then you hear me come up with another idea. I want to make this right.”

Or you could just grab and kiss me right now, Seb.

Do it, Sebby. Kiss me. Take me.

The tension between us started to grow.

I wasn’t sure if it was annoyance or sexual.

Seb didn’t say a word.

He walked away from me again.

That wasn’t going to stop me.

I chased right after him.

He went outside. Again.

“I thought you didn’t like it out here,” I said.

“I don’t,” Seb snapped. “But you practically live out here. And here I am.”

“Well, if I lived out here, you’d be having sex right now.”

Seb put his head back and sighed. “Just let it go, April. It doesn’t matter anymore. You’re acting like a pain in the ass over this.”

“It matters to me. Your happiness and pleasure.”

“My pleasure?” Seb asked, looking at me.

I stepped back and blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that… or… I don’t know…”

“You want to know the truth?”

I nodded.

“Her name was Kailey. She wanted the same thing as me. It didn’t work out. No big deal. I can grab my phone, get back on the app, and find someone else. You’re acting as though I was going to marry her.”

“But how do you know? What if something came of it? What if it was fate?”

Seb laughed. “Well, my fate bumped up against you, April. And we see how that worked out.”

I set my sights on the ocean and sighed.

I was the pain in the ass still.

Forever in the way.
