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I smirk over at her. She’s grinning up at me as if enjoying the banter as much as I am.

“Something tells me you’re lying.”

“We’re being good, remember?”

“Yeah, but it’s damn hard.”

“Let’s change the subject,” she murmurs.

I turn a corner, wishing we were driving to our apartment instead. Or better yet, a house with plenty of bedrooms to fill with children, a large yard for them to play in, and a kitchen that matches my woman’s passion.

“All right,” I say. “How was work?”

She laughs again.

“How’sthatfunny?” I say, though I’m laughing too, simply because she is.


“It’s clearlysomething.”


I can’t resist any longer. Reaching over, I place my hand on her leg.

She sucks in a sharp breath as I squeeze, feeling her thickness through her pants, her breath coming with lust-filled trembles.

“Tell me,” I say.

“You’re so bossy.”

I glide my hand further up her leg, only stopping when she grabs my wrist, holding me in place. Instinct flares to slide my hand the rest of the way, right up between her legs. I know that once I start rubbing her hot pussy, she’ll melt for me, just like she started to last night before Elena and Noah interrupted us.

What does it say about me that I’m doing this despite knowing it’s wrong?

“I was just thinking,” she says softly. “When you asked how my day was, it felt like a boyfriend asking his girlfriend how her day was. That’s a crazy thought, I know.”

“I don’t think it’s worth thinking of things ascrazyorsaneanymore. We’ll never stop questioning us if we do that.”

“Us.” She gives my hand an insistent nudge, and I have no choice but to remove it, though it hurts. “There is nous. You kissed me. Then you disappeared for a year. I was thinking about it at work.”

I wait for her to go on, missing the feel of her leg.

“If I’m the first woman who…”

“Shook my world. Made me feel something.”

“Right.” Another shuddering breath. She’s struggling to hold herself together, just like I am. “Why did you leave?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Mom. Noah.”

“I thought I might get it—getyou—out of my system. Or maybe I never really believed that, but I had to try.”

I don’t mention my reason for coming back. That would freak her out even more.

“When Noah offered me a place to stay, I was going to keep my distance from you and try to, you know our favorite phrase… be good, but I failed immediately. In hindsight, I could never do it.”
