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Part I


Four years ago

Pastor Bartholomew Grenville silently wetted his lips as he struck his stepdaughter's bare back with his cane. His every blow had her ass tightening visibly under the slightly translucent fabric of her nightgown, and his own body trembled with the zeal of righteousness.

A full hour passed before he deemed Mary satisfactorily punished in the eyes of the Lord, and it was quite a pity that the girl hadn't released a single cry of pain. He would have loved to use that as proof of her weakness, which she had unfortunately inherited from her once-sinful mother.

His stepdaughter struggled to get to her feet, and a part of him wished that she would lose her balance so that he could truly feel for himself if her tits were still as soft as they looked. They were shockingly large for one so young, so much so, in fact, that Bartholomew was starting to think her breasts were but a gift from the Devil.

Maybe one day, those tits of hers must be punished as well.

But for now...

His tone was low and rumbling as he reminded his dear little Mary about his reasons for punishing her.

"It is my responsibility, as a man of the cloth, to look after the Lord's sheep."

I understand, Father.

"It gives me no pleasure to punish you or your mother. If you wish to never experience again the Lord's wrath, then you must obey my word at all costs. Do we have an understanding?"

Yes, Father.

A part of him wanted to haul her back as soon as she turned to leave. There would come a day that the girl would be legally free of his authority, and virtuous rage filled his soul when he thought of the many wolves in sheep's clothing that would surely attempt to defile his young lamb.

Her purity must be protected at all costs...or if that were not possible, then perhaps it was the Lord's will that Bartholomew himself take her innocence, so that his stepdaughter might be saved from the ignominy of becoming a harlot for the first wicked man to turn her head.

Yes, ah, yes.

The more Bartholomew thought about, the more convinced the good pastor was that it was the Lord's will for him to take his stepdaughter's innocence.

Mary's virginity was his, and he would make sure that she would not become pregnant from his possession. He would not let her bear a child outside marriage like her mother did. He was a good man, after all, and the only thing he wanted was to save everyone's souls with his holy claim.

