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The duke steadily thrust his finger in until he was knuckle-deep inside of her pussy.


And then he was fucking her with his finger, and it was too beautiful, too much, too fast all at once.

Pleasure exploded from within, and Mary could feel him watching her as she sobbed his name out over and over.

An indefinite amount of time passed before she could find the strength to open her eyes, but fear gripped her chest as soon as she did.

Oh no.

She scrambled up to a sitting position, and he did nothing to stop her as Mary hurriedly slipped back inside of her dress. She closed her eyes for one panicky moment, but it was as if his image was indelibly imprinted on her mind. It was as if he waseverywhere,really, with the way his scent had turned into a permanent perfume on her flesh and the burning memory of his touch was now like second skin for her still-tingling pussy.

Mary was genuinely terrified, and she had to force herself to meet the duke's shuttered gaze. "What do you want from me?" she whispered.



"One reason is because I'm a selfish bastard used to having everything..." A humorless smile twisted over his lips. "But another reason is because it feels like I'm fucking nothing...when you're not with me."

His words felt sweet and deadly like poison, and they made it so hard for her to breathe.

"I d-don't understand."

If it had been any other girl, Rathe would have contemptuously considered the words as coy. But because this was Mary, and even now he could see that she was just too damn young and innocent for a jaded heartless soul like him—-

It was just too late.

He wanted her despite knowing she was forbidden to him.

He wanted her and only her, and so, selfish bastard that he was, Rathe forced himself to ask her to become his mistress.


Rathe could see that something inside of her seemed to die at the words, and only years of self-control kept him from taking it back. He didn't want to give her empty or false promises. Even if she was the only girl he wanted to marry, he couldn't.


Because to do so was to break his promise to his own mother.

Unease stirred inside of him as he watched Mary disappear back into her dorm. Something suddenly didn't feel right, and his sense of foreboding only worsened as time passed by.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Rathe tersely instructed his chauffeur to drive him back to the university, and he got to Mary just as her own stepfather was about to rape her.
