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The only thing that was missing was Rathe touching and kissing her like he once had—-


Rathe pinched her cheeks hard when Mary tried to seduce him with her eyes.

"We can't fuck until you've fully recovered."

Aside from her still-injured ankle, Mary had been beaten black and blue by her stepfather, and every time he was reminded by this, Rathe just fucking wanted to punch the lights out of the bastard all over again.

"But I'm really so much better now—-"

"I fuck hard," he told her softly.

Mary's eyes widened.Oh!

"I have never done gentle, and I don't think I can with you even if I wanted to."

He kissed Mary on the forehead before leaving, but even he knew he was just playing it cool. He wanted the same thing she wanted, and he started missing her as soon he saw himself out of her suite.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Mary was everything he had vowed not to fall for, and yet he couldn't seem to stop his obsession with her from growing. There was only one thing left for him to do in this case, and Rathe forced himself to make a call to his family's solicitor.

Wilson was like a second father to him, and the older man was someone he absolutely trusted to help him protect his family from any unwanted backlash, in case things between Mary and him were to fall apart.

"I need a contract drafted. Something similar to a prenup and an NDA combined."

At the other end of the line, Wilson quietly listened to the duke's requirements and made his plans afterwards. He had always envisioned his own daughter to become the next Duchess of Flanders, and there was no goddamn way he would let a college-age slut ruin this.

Chapter Five

It was another dayat the hotel, and while Mary was not quite sad to wake up alone in a bed so luxurious it literally felt like she was sleeping on cloud ninet...there were also times when she felt like pinching herself, with how much her life had changed in a blink of an eye.

Almost her entire life, she had lived in fear, with the threat of Bartholomew forcing himself on her hanging over her head every day. Earning herself a scholarship at the university had been the lone bright spot in her life—-until Rathe.

When she had agreed to become the duke's mistress, she had been secretly terrified that she was making a mistake. But with every day that passed, Mary had come to realize that she was exactly where she belonged, which was by Rathe's he once asked her to be.
