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Rathe:As you wish, little pearl.

Mary found herself holding her breath as she watched Rathe toss his phone away, joining his discarded coat on the love seat. His next movements felt extra slower, as if deliberately drawing out every movement, torturing her with anticipation.

Finally, he was done unbuttoning his shirt completely, and his entire chest was on display.


Mary’s usually stellar vocabulary failed her once more at the sight of Rathe’s muscular form, and the noise her heartbeat made drowned everything else when Rathe walked slowly towards the camera. He crouched down, his face filling the screen.

I want to see you,he mouthed.

She hesitated. Through her phone, she saw Rathe already moving towards the bed. When he picked up his iPad from the bedside table, Mary found herself succumbing.

With a few clicks, both of them were able to see and hear each other.

Rathe’s smile widened.Hi,he mouthed, aware of the fact that she was still in class.

Hi,she mouthed back. Before she could say something else, she heard shuffling noises and upon looking up, Mary caught sight of their professor entering the room.

“I have to go,” she whispered.

Rathe grimaced.

Touching her lips, she brought her fingers to the screen, sending him a virtual kiss. “I love—-”

“Oh my God, it’s her!”

The words had her freezing. A second later, she recovered and quickly turned the displays of both her phone and iPad off, not wanting anyone to catch a glimpse of Rathe.

When she glanced up again, everyone was staring at her with a mixture of curiosity and distaste. They would have kept staring if not for the teacher in front clapping her hands, drawing everyone’s attention.

She really had been foolish, Mary thought, believing that she could finish her three-month course without being recognized. Even though the university was a good three hours away from London, Rathe’s popularity was definitely not to be underestimated.

As the other students claimed their seats, the innuendos took a nastier turn.

“I heard she sold her virginity to the Duke, like that girl did before on YouTube. You remember that?”

“You have it all wrong. It’s her stepfather who clinched the deal. The one she killed in the end because he was asking for too much money?”

Her fists clenched on her lap.

Beside her, a wry-sounding voice asked, “Is it true then?”

Mary turned towards the voice, and found a slender girl staring at her with a raised eyebrow. Pink streaks ran through her boyishly cut hair, and she had about five studs glinting on each ear.

The other girl asked, “Are you really the Duke of Flanders’ American mistress?” Before Mary could answer, the girl added seriously, “The one they say is a shameless Lolita and the reincarnation of Lizzie Borden, only this time with a Marilyn Monroe figure?”

All Mary could do was gape. Everyone really thoughtallthat?

The girl suddenly covered her mouth, muffling her laughter. She said under her breath, “Sorry, I couldn’t resist pulling your leg.” She stuck out her hand under the table, out of view from the other students who were still constantly turning their heads around to look at Mary.

“I’m Bee, by the way.”

“Bee?” she repeated uncertainly even as she took the offered hand and felt herself relax at the girl’s genuinely friendly expression.

“Don’t ask what it’s short for.Seriously.”

Mary’s lips curved into a small smile. “Okay.” A thought occurred to her, and blushing, she stammered, “O-oh, and I’m...Mary.” Deciding it was best to bring everything out in the open from the start, she added in an awkward mumble, “I really am the duke’s mistress, too.”
