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Chapter Four

The memory of his oneand only encounter with his grandfather made Rathe’s chest tighten, resentment and fury warring inside of him. All these years, he had unconsciously derived strength from the fact that his father had done the unforgivable because he had loved Alyssa.

But now, with the way Warren was treating Mary, and with the knowledge of the revolting pre-nuptial contract that existed between his parents...

He was no longer sure about what to believe.

Rathe asked tersely, “Why, Father? Why did you make her sign such a contract?”

Alyssa sucked her breath at the question.

When Warren saw his wife about to speak, he shook his head. To have Alyssa defend him for a mistake he blamed himself for wouldneverbe something he’d stand for.

For a moment, words failed Warren as he gazed at his son. He despised the way Rathe made him feel defensive and guilty – feelings that he had done his very best to avoid. To feel such emotions would almost be an admission that what he had with Alyssa was wrong, and that was something Warren wouldneveraccept.

Not even if it was for his son’s sake.

Taking hold of his wife’s hand, Warren said flatly, “It’s none of your business—-”

Rathe snarled, “Itismy business since it has to do with how my father could have disrespected my mother in such a way.”

Livid at the insinuation, Warren roared, “You knownothing!”

“Obviously,” Rathe retorted sarcastically. “Because whatever your faults were, I had always thought you loved my mother. But now, it’s so bloody clearer.” His father’s unwillingness to discuss the contract made his supposed love for Alyssa a lie, and it only meant one thing. Warren Wellesley might not be a pedophile in the entire sense, but he was the next worst thing – someone who had made a teenager his wife because of his most basic needs.


On the ride home, Rathewas grimly silent, a cold and distant air about him.

It reminded Mary of the one time he had shut her out of his life.

Then, he had done it to protect himself from developing more feelings for her.

And he was doing it again now.

Whatever thoughts were running in his mind now, they made the duke feel...defenseless,which in turn made Rathe shut himself off.

Then, she had allowed him to do just that.
