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For a long time, Rathe could only remain where he was, unable to forget the look of anguish on Mary’s beautiful face. God, how he had made her cry. His chest constricted tightly at the memory. Wasn’t that proof he really did need to get out of her life for good?

Dimly, he heard the door swing open but he didn’t look up until a pair of stiletto heels came into his view. “Rathe?” He recognized the voice as Camilla’s, and slowly, he lifted his head.

Camilla did her best not to let her teeth gnash at the sight of the duke. She had never seen him this defeated, and it infuriated her that an American nobody had managed to make Rathe Wellesley feel so strongly.

It was a good thing her father’s spies had informed them right away of his mistress’ visit. Countermeasures were clearly needed, and right away at that. Adopting a concerned tone, she asked, “What happened? Did you have a fight with Mary?” It was extremely difficult to pretend she cared a whit about his little slut, but she managed.

Rathe managed a shrug.

The duke’s unwillingness to say anything didn’t faze her. If she didn’t manage to get answers now, she could always get them from Mrs. Emerson.

Camilla laid a gentle hand on his arm. “Let me guess. She didn’t take kindly to the breakup?”

Rathe said shortly, “I didn’t even have the chance to tell her.”

Camilla sighed. “I can’t say I blame her. She truly loves you.’re also right. Being with her would only hurt the poor child in the end.” Camilla pretended to hesitate. “I think...I may help you though. What do you think about the two of us pretending to be engaged? But it has to be a secret only between us two.”

Rathe frowned. “Pretend to be engaged?” The idea had merit, but the shadiness of it put him off.

Camilla’s slim shoulders moved in a casual shrug. “We can have a contract drawn up just so you’re protected. I do understand your concern.”

“It’s not that...” But in truth, the offer allayed most of his concerns and allowed him to seriously consider Camilla’s proposal.

Eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she watched the duke turn over her suggestion in his mind, Camilla added innocently, “I’m only offering this as a friend. I hope you know that.”

“Of course.” Rathe managed to Camilla a brief smile even as his mind dwelled on the possibility of a fake engagement. It could sort a lot of his problems, and in truth, Camilla was the only woman he could trust to keep her end of the bargain. Nothing sexual had ever happened between them, and it was one of the main reasons why he considered Camilla one of his closest friends.

He said abruptly, “Let’s do it then. Tonight. We’re both attending the same charity gala, aren’t we? We could do it then.”

Camilla’s head whirled, unable to believe her dreams of becoming a duchess were becoming closer and closer to reality. “T-tonight?”

Rathe asked seriously, “Would there be a problem with that?”

“No,” she said slowly, doing her best to suppress her smile of triumph. “No problem at all.”

Chapter Eleven
