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Chapter Fourteen

Ayear later


“Morning, Mary.” The greeting came from her octogenarian neighbor, Mr. Craig. Actually, he was her only neighbor in miles around, and that was what she liked so much about the sleepy little town she had been living in for the past year.

“Morning, Mr. Craig.”

He glanced curiously at the box she was dragging towards her cottage. “What’s that you have?”

She smiled sheepishly. “A TV.”

He cackled in laughter. “You finally gave in, eh?”

“It’s a present from a friend. She wants me to watch her husband’s concert.”

“Ah. A singer?”

“Something like that,” Mary prevaricated. She didn’t think the old man would know or care who Staffan Aehrenthal was anyway.

In this part of the world, it was as if entertainment of the modern world didn’t exist. Or at least they didn’t outside TV screens.

Here, she had no use for phones, TVs, the Internet or even the radio. She communicated with her friends and Alyssa through letters. If she were bored, Mary would only have to head up the loch and happily wait for any signs of Nessie.

Here, each day was calm, peaceful, andblank.

Which was okay.

It was better to feel nothing than to experience the hurt that she had long buried deep inside of her.

Heaving another deep breath, she continued to drag the large box inside, wishing Saffi had sent her something more compact. Had her friend forgotten that she was living alone? It wasn’t like she had someone to help her carry this monstrous box inside her home.

An hour and a half later, Mary finally finished setting up the fifty-five-inch plasma screen...on the floor. It was all she could do, too tired to try figuring out a way to have it on the console.

Taking the USB that came with the TV, she plugged it in and pressed play on the single file it contained. Credits started to roll, showing a beautiful backdrop of Norway.

Uh-oh, Mary thought uneasily. She had heard of Staffan Aehrenthal’s legendary concerts in Europe. Did this come with an R rating perhaps? While she was not blind to the fact that the ash-haired rockstar was incredibly gorgeous, she wouldn’t really want to see him do anythingsexual.It would feel weird, considering he was her friend’s husband.

On the screen, the credits had ended, and the scene changed, zooming in on Staffan, who was in the backstage, talking to Saffi.

A second later, a blue screen appeared.
