Page 12 of Whiskey Poison

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He’s right, though. There’s no requirement for him to have a partner. It’s not pertinent to the case and it would be inappropriate for me to press. That doesn’t stop me from wanting to.

“As you’ve pointed out a few times now, that is what I’m here to determine,” I say. “Based on your file alone, it’s not looking good.”

He folds his large hands in front of him. I mentally measure them against my wrists, assessing how accurate my dream was this morning. How easily I would fit into them. What those fingers would feel like if they—

“What about my file concerned you?”

I blink away the dirty image. “You are a smart man, Mr. Vik—Timofey. You know my concerns.”

“I’m sure there’s a colorful list of my priors on there. Let’s focus on what matters, though: I saved your life last night.”

That tickle of suspicion from earlier finally clicks into place. And when it does, I gasp. “Oh my… oh my God. Did—did you stage what happened?”

“Your attack, you mean.” It’s a statement, not a question.

“Yes. My ‘attack.’ You did!” I jump to my feet. “You hired that crazy guy to attack me so you could show up and save me. You wanted to get in my good graces so I’d give you Benjamin. You… you…” I fall silent, too stunned to speak.

Timofey fixes me with a stare, the seconds ticking away.

“Well?” I demand. “Are you going to even bother denying it?”

“I’m trying to decide if I’m flattered or insulted,” he muses. “I’m going to go with insulted. The fact that you think I need to resort to an elaborate set-up to get what I want…It’s beneath me. The theory is beneath you, too. I called you stupid last night, but I didn’t actually believe it. Maybe I should rethink.”

I glare at him. “So what were you doing there, then?”

“Finally,” he breathes. “The fun part.”

Goosebumps erupt down my arms at the sinful suggestion in his voice.Was he there for me? No. No, definitely not. Why would he be?

“You seem to know a lot about me, Piper.”

“It’s Ms. Quinn.” I try to sound confident, but my voice is shaking.

His eyebrow arches subtly before he continues. “You seem to know a lot about me, Piper. Now, let me tell you what I know about you.” He plants his palms flat on his desk and rises to his full height, never once looking away from me. I have to crane my neck back to meet his eyes. “You’ve been a social worker for seven years, but you still don’t make enough money to dig yourself out of the financial hole you’re in.”

I narrow my eyes. “I’m in debt. Good guess. Me and most other humans on the planet.”

“Yes, but your debt is different. It’s not even yours,” he says. “You have taken on the debt of not one, but two relatives. How are Daddy and Grandma doing, by the way? Talked to them recently?”

The air in my lungs turns sour. My chest burns, but I can’t exhale. I can’t move. Timofey and I, we’re balanced on the precipice of something. One wrong move and it will all go sideways. I’ll fall.

And I don’t have to ask to know that, this time, he won’t help me back up.

“You don’t have to answer that, actually. I already know. No one would blame you for going so long between visits. You’re a busy girl, what with work and keeping track of your friend Ashley.” He clicks his tongue in faux disappointment. “When will that girl get and stay on the wagon?”

“How do you know about Ashley?” I croak. I have the urge to reach for my phone right this second and call her to make sure she’s safe.

Timofey ignores me. “You attract addicts, but you aren’t one. Good for you for overcoming the statistics. Especially coming from a broken home. The odds were stacked against you, but you came out on top. Is that why you got in this line of work? To help kids like yourself? To give back?”

That’s exactly why I got in this line of work. But the way he says it makes it sound pathetic.

“This is illegal,” I snap. “You can’t—You shouldn’t know any of this. You spied on me.”

“Are you going to file a police report?” he asks. “I’d be surprised. You didn’t file one after your attack last night.”

I feel flayed open. Bare naked in front of those icy blue eyes.

“If you think blackmail is going to work on me, you’re wrong,” I hiss. “There is no way in hell I’m leaving a child in your care. You aren’t fit to be around other humans, let alone a child.”
