Page 30 of Whiskey Poison

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We stop in front of a set of double doors. The nerves I’m trying hard to squash down begin to rise up.

“Anything I should know before I’m tossed to the wolves?” I gulp. “Not that you have any reason to help me.”

“Yet it’s all I seem to be doing.”

“You and I are operating under different definitions of the word ‘help,’” I mutter under my breath.

He shrugs. “So long as we have the same definition for ‘obedience,’ you should be fine.”

“Obedience is for animals. I’m not a dog.”

“You’re right.” He tips his head towards the doors. “Theyare the animals. Without me to intervene, they’ll rip you limb from limb.”

My heart is pounding, but I stand tall. Timofey is trying to scare me and it won’t work. Or, I’m going to do my best to hide exactly how well it’s working, at least.

“Is that how you talk about your family? I always thought blood was thicker than water, but apparently you feel comfortable shit-talking everyone in your life.”

“They’re not my blood.”

I frown. “But you said—”

“Given your line of work, I’m surprised I have to explain this to you.” Timofey sighs. “I’m adopted.”

Sergey turns, his hand still on the doorknob. “Poor Timofey couldn’t take after my good looks, so I had to raise him with my disposition.”

Two men with Timofey’s disposition under the same roof? God help us all.

“How many children did you adopt?” I ask.

“Timofey and his—”

“We’re all a family here,” Timofey interrupts. “A brotherhood, if you will.”

I may not have read Timofey’s file as closely as I should have, but I remember a few details. Like his possible criminal connections.

“Like a fraternity?” It’s nothing but blind hope that makes me ask.

When Timofey’s eyebrow arches in amusement, that hope withers and dies. “Sure,” he says with a chuckle. “Something like that.”



My father pushes open the door. The chatter and laughter inside the conference room dies at once. Tension ripples around as we make our way in.

Piper must suspect what she’s just stumbled into, because she stays close to my side. Her elbow brushes against my forearm. I can feel her warmth and tremors through my sleeve.

Good. Maybe some of my warnings have sunk in. Coming face to face with Rodion wasn’t quite enough to scare her off.

Maybe seeing the whole Bratva will keep her in line.

“Some of you have already been introduced,” I begin, drawing all eyes to me. Except for Rodion’s. He correctly decides to continue staring at the floor. “For those who haven’t had the pleasure, this is Piper Quinn.”

“Hi,” Piper squeaks out. She raises her hand in a half wave and then tucks herself behind me.

Her weakness ought to be pathetic, but I don’t actually mind the feeling of being her human shield. Especially since I underestimated how much I’d fucking hate my men looking at her.

A thought that doesn’t belong there races through my head:she is for my eyes alone.
