Page 54 of Whiskey Poison

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I’m not sure I’ll be here long enough to really keep that promise, but it seems like an easy one to keep. Lunch really does smell amazing.

He spoons a bed of fluffy rice onto a dark green plate and tops it with pieces of caramelized chicken. Then he layers in roasted chickpeas and broccoli, red onion slices, and drizzles some kind of mysterious red sauce over top.

When he finally slides a bowl to me, I grab the fork and dive in.

“Oh my God.” I close my eyes and chew, bopping back and forth on the seat in an unintentional happy dance. “This is amazing.”

“You really don’t know much about food, then. I mean, it’s good. But this is the healthy shit. Wait until I cook you something artery-clogging. You’ll love it.”

I take another bite and then clap a hand over my mouth. “I dinut chay tank yew.”

Akim raises his brows. “Pardon?”

I swallow and try again. “I didn’t say thank you! I was too busy eating, and I—”

“That is thank you enough,” he interrupts. “As a chef, watching people enjoy your food is as much gratitude as you need. Fuck knows I don’t get any from the Big Bad Wolf upstairs.”

Now that my hunger is more under control, I can see this opportunity for what it is: a chance to make an ally.

I push my bowl away slightly, putting some distance between myself and the delectable smells. I need to focus.

“How did you come to work for Timofey, anyway?” I say casually.

“Oh, you know. In the usual way,” he says. “I disappointed my parents by going to culinary school, answered an ad, and all these years later, here I am.”

“I don’t know what kind of parent would be disappointed in having a child who was a chef.”

“The shitty kind.”

I nod in agreement. “Your work should be respected.”

He gives me a genuine smile, and I’m struck by how handsome Akim is. Not in an otherworldly, godly way like Timofey. But he has a kind face and symmetrically balanced features. Plus, he can cook. That’s another point or two right there, easy. Ashley would eat him alive if she could ditch her dealer for long enough to have eyes for another man.

“Do you like working here?” I ask. “I mean, Timofey doesn’t seem like the…respectful type.”

He snorts. “You can say that again. I am criminally underappreciated around here.”

“I think a lot ofcriminalthings are going on under this roof.”

Akim turns to me, his brown eyes searching. When he speaks again, his voice is soft and serious. “What are you really asking me, Piper?”

I’m not completely sure I can trust this man, but who else am I going to trust? I highly doubt Rodion is going to become an ally anytime soon, if the cloud of death marks on his forearm is anything to go by.

Akim might be my one and only shot.

I lean in, voice low. “I’m asking how you feel about Timofey. My guess is he has plenty of enemies, and I wouldn’t mind getting in touch with them.”

His eyes dart over my shoulder towards the door. Seeing it empty, he leans over the island. “What are you planning?”

My heart patters nervously in my chest. “I don’t have a plan. There hasn’t been time for one. Timofey showed up at my house and is forcing me to work here. Then I got put in jail.”

“Quite the first day of orientation.”

“Is that normal?”

He shrugs. “For Timofey, anything goes.”

“That’s why I’m worried,” I whisper. “A baby shouldn’t grow up in a place like this. The lifestyle he leads… It isn’t good for a kid. Benjamin will grow up to be a psychopath.”
