Page 55 of Whiskey Poison

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“You think any child growing up in this world will be doomed?”

“Don’t you?” I ask.

He considers it for a second and then nods. “I guess you’re right.”

His words catch the lone, fragile feather of hope I have left, lifting it into the air.

“Would you be willing to testify against Timofey in court? I can write a report and do my best, but witnesses would help. Especially people who have known him a long time the way you have. You’ve probably seen a lot since you started here.”

“Like what?” he asks.

“The criminal stuff. You know, crime and…drugs. Murder, maybe?”

Akim nods. His gaze is distant and unfocused. “Yeah. I’ve seen some stuff.”

“Like what?”

I’m pressing my luck here, but the more I learn, the better. Who knows what could happen to Akim between now and a trial? He could get thrown in jail if Timofey found out he was willing to help me. He might not even make it that far.

“Where do I even start?” Akim shakes his head mournfully. “For starters, I’m here against my will, too. Once Timofey gets your claws in you, it’s hard to get them out.”

My stomach flips. Suddenly, I’m not as hungry as I thought I was. “You’ve never had a chance to escape?”

Akim leans in further, his eyes wide with fear. “He’s always watching. Every time I’ve even considered it, he shows up. He’s like a ghost. Sometimes, I wonder if he’s even human.”

I frown. No one will trust Akim’s testimony on a trial if he’s insane. And he sounds insane right now.

“He probably has cameras up,” I say gently. “I’m sure that’s how he knows when you’ve tried to escape.”

Akim shakes his head and looks over his shoulder. “No. No, he can hear us. All the time. He’s always watching. Always listening.”

The hair at the back of my neck still tingles. “He’s just a normal human, Akim. We can beat him if we—”

Before I can finish, Akim leans back and guffaws. His laughter is so loud I startle at the sound of it echoing off the high ceilings.

“What the—”

“God, you looked so scared.” He wipes tears out of his eyes. “I knew that drama class in college would pay off. Who says electives are a waste of time?”

I blink. “Drama… What are you talking about?”

“I’m kidding, Piper. Obviously.”

Obviously.I swallow down the bile rising in my throat.

“You were acting?” I shake my head, unable to believe it. “You didn’t look like you were acting. You looked…sincere.”

“I’ve occasionally been accused of having a dark sense of humor.” He sculpts the perfect spoonful of rice, chicken, and veggies and takes a bite. “Sorry you got caught in the crosshairs. You’ll get used to me, though. Everyone does eventually.”

“Akim, if anything you said was even remotely true,” I whisper, “you can tell me. I’m not a spy. I can try to help you if—”

“Bagpipes!” A voice yells from the entryway.

A familiar voice. Calling a familiar nickname.

Akim’s face screws up in confusion. “Bagpipes? What the hell does—”

I hear footsteps on the tile and turn around just as someone steps into the doorway, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a dangerously low-cut blouse.
