Page 71 of Whiskey Poison

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But his eyes… There’s a glimmer of human emotions there. I could swear I catch a hint of desire.

I snatch the button-down out of his hands. It’s laughably large. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a prude.”

“You probably wouldn’t have pegged me for a gentleman, either.”

“Definitely not.” I snort.

“Then it’s in your best interest to keep covered.”

I glance up just as his eyes finish their trek over me. Heat blooms in my core, searing and relentless. My fingers fumble with the buttons on his shirt.

“Here.” He steps forward and plucks the shirt out of my hands. Like everything, he handles the buttons with ease and grace. When he holds out the shirt for me to step into, I don’t even question it.

Timofey Viktorov, for all of his faults, seems like the kind of person you should trust to take care of you.

My entire life, I’ve watched my supposed protectors fumble and stumble their way through life. Timofey never wavers. He never falters. Even when I should sprint in the opposite direction, I can’t quite convince myself to shove him away.

Fuck me for being so weak—but damn, it’s nice to feel cared for.

“I know how to put on a shirt,” I mumble as I slide my injured arm into the ridiculously large sleeve. “I have my own clothes, too. Ones that fit me. At home.”

“Not anymore.”

I whip my eyes to his face. “What does that mean?”

“It means your stuff is in boxes on its way here. I had movers pack you up this morning.”

“Oh.” I can’t even muster up the appropriate amount of surprise.

“I told you you’d be living here.”

“I know. And I knew when I left this morning, there was a chance I wouldn’t go back,” I tell him.

Was it only this morning that I left my apartment? It feels like a lifetime ago. So much has happened since then.

“I didn’t even like that apartment very much.”

“There wasn’t much to like.”

“Sorry we can’t all have mansions,” I snap.


My eyebrows raise. “You’re…sorry? Is that the first time you’ve ever said that?”

He steps closer, grabbing the cuff of my shirt and rolling it up my forearm. His fingers brush against my skin, and my entire body buzzes. “There’s a lot about me that would surprise you.”

I can feel every beat of my traitorous heart radiating through me.

I’m attracted to Timofey Viktorov.

So what? Who isn’t? I’m not alone in that. I’m not special. It means nothing.

I take a deep breath and step away from him. His hands drop away, and I quickly grab the cuff and try to continue rolling it with my bad arm. My burn twinges from the movement, but the pain medication is already starting to kick in.

“I make you nervous,” he observes.

“Did you figure that out all on your own?” I chuckle humorlessly. “Everyone is scared of you, remember?”
