Page 128 of Whiskey Pain

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“Like that, Timofey,” I cry. “Don’t stop. I—I—I love you.”

Words tumble out of my mouth incoherently as the orgasm lifts me up and wrings me out.

When I’m done and lying limply on his chest, Timofey carries me to the bed, curls around me, and enters me from behind.

It’s a gentle finish. Timofey spills inside of me and then stays there, cuddling me until my heart stops racing.

“I could stay here forever with you.” He lifts my hair and kisses my damp neck. “Actually, let’s do exactly that. Forget the wedding. You’re my wife already, and we’re going to stay in this bed forever.”

I laugh and turn to him. “The government might have something to say about the legality of this arrangement.”

He wrinkles his nose. “Forget the government, too. You’re my wife in every way that matters, Piper. I’m going to honor you and love you and worship you and fuck you—”

“I don’t remember those vows,” I laugh.

“I’ll make my own,” he says in all seriousness. “I’m going to spend every second of the rest of my life making you happy.”

“Do you have that kind of stamina?”

He presses a hand to his chest in offense. “Is that your subtle way of seducing me into round two? I’ll do it. I just don’t want to wear you out before tonight.”

I’m still buzzing with an orgasm, but I feel butterflies in my stomach at the idea of being with Timofey again.

I’m not sure that feeling will ever go away.

“I want a round two and a round three and a round four…”

He groans and spans his large hand across my hip, drawing me close to him.

“But,” I interrupt, kissing his nose, “we have children to take care of.”

He sighs, his full lower lip pouting out. “So staying in this bed forever is off the table?”

“For now. But ask me again in… twenty years?”

“Two decades is a long time. Are you sure you’ll still feel the same way?”

I stroke his stubbly cheek and nod. “I’m positive.”

He grins, and I feel the force of it all the way down to my toes. “Okay, then. You, me, a bed, and the rest of our lives. It’s a date.”
