Page 36 of Whiskey Pain

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“She has you.” She nudges me with her elbow. It’s a familiar gesture, but it feels right. I like this wry old woman. I understand why Piper is close with her.

Piper and Ashley are whispering on the stairs. It looks serious. I wonder if Piper is finally telling Ashley what my plans are. So far, it seems she has kept my threats secret. And strangely, I’m glad for that. If Piper had told them everything, they’d despise me. They’d be terrified. I’m glad they’re not. It’s nice getting to know two of the most important people in Piper’s life, even in this short amount of time.

It’s helping me understand why she’d do anything to protect them.

“I see the way you look at her,” Gram says with a smile. “You love her.”

I quickly look away and stare down at the ground. “No. Don’t do that.”

“Do what? Tell you the truth?”

Is it the truth? Do I love Piper?

It’s been hard to feel anything beyond the betrayal. I was blinded by rage in a way I’ve never felt before. Is that because I care about her?

Because I love her?

What if I’d answered Piper’s call that night in Benjamin’s nursery? How different would things be now?

I run a hand over my face to muffle the groan of frustration and regret. It’s a pressure growing inside my chest that I do not want and definitely do not need. Ruthless tyrants can’t afford guilt and regret over their actions. It shows an inability to make wise decisions. It shows weakness.

But the longer I hunt down Benjamin alone, the more I’m discovering all my weaknesses and terrible decisions.

Gram slaps me on the back surprisingly hard. “You don’t have to admit that you love her. But I do need you to take care of her. Someone has to.”

“You can. You’re not going anywhere.”

“Is that an order?” She lofts a brow.

“I can make it one if I have to.” I came here to kill Gram and now, I’m trying to save her life. The irony is not lost on me. “Because I don’t make promises I can’t keep. I’m not going to tell you I can take care of Piper because…I don’t know if I can.”

Her breaths are short and quick. Gram is such a big personality that I guess I never noticed how bad her health really is.

“She’ll be devastated when you leave,” she says finally.

I look towards the steps, and Piper is looking at me. There’s a question in her eyes. I wonder if it’s the same question flashing in my mind.

What comes next?

Gram lets me off the hook and asks me to escort her back to the porch. “I’m tired,” she says when we get back to the stairs. “I’m going to lie down for a while.”

Ashley jumps up, hands waving. “No, wait! Wait. This is a special occasion. I was going to get the bubbly from the fridge.”

“I’m not thirsty,” Piper mumbles.

Ashley snorts. “I’m not suggesting it because I’m thirsty. It’s because we’re all together again—except for Noelle.”

Piper goes stiff at the mention of Noelle’s name.

Apparently, there’s a lot she isn’t telling Ashley about what’s going on. Is it because she’s working with Noelle? Or is it because, even after Noelle has done something horrible, Piper can’t stop trying to protect her?

“We can celebrate with hugs. Or a picture!” Piper suggests. “We’ll take a picture to remember the moment.”

Ashley groans. “That’s miserable. I won’t drink any, if that’s what you’re worried about. If anything, you’ll be helping me. The bottle was in the mini fridge in our room when we arrived. You can take it off my hands.”

I expect Piper to jump at the opportunity to help keep her friend sober. Instead, her hands flutter nervously over her stomach again. “I trust you, Ash. I really don’t want any. Maybe give it to someone else in the bed and breakfast. Or save it for the next guests.”

I remember back to the flight yesterday. We’d just boarded and the attendant offered us drinks. Piper refused a mimosa and asked for ginger ale instead. And last night at the mini bar in the room, she drank sparkling water.
