Page 42 of Whiskey Pain

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I’m milliseconds away from throwing my arms around her and baring my soul when a suitcase rams into the back of my leg.

I yelp and fall into Ashley as a man grabs my arm to steady me. “I’m so sorry. I got distracted and wasn’t paying attention to my suitcase. Are you okay?”

“Asshole,” Ashley mutters under her breath.

The last thing I need is her making a scene in the airport. And she absolutely will if I don’t diffuse this pronto.

The back of my ankle throbs, but I wave the man off with one hand as I swipe my hair out of my face with the other. “I’m fine. It’s okay.”

“I was distracted,” he repeats. “I’m so sorry.”

“I bet you are,” Ashley mumbles.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Really.” I step between her and the man and, for the first time, really look at him.

He’s an older gentleman with graying hair and a softening jawline. But under the loose skin are the signs of former strength. A square jaw, a defined brow. Even the way he holds himself—shoulders wide and back straight—pings some sense of familiarity. Like I’ve seen him before.

But no. Not possible. I’m in an airport in Mexico. I don’t know anyone here.

He smiles, revealing a mouth of perfectly straight, blindingly white teeth. “You’re being kind, but I deserve worse. You can run over my ankle if you’d like. Fair is fair.”

Ashley holds up her hand. “I’ll do it.”

I laugh like she’s joking and toss a glare at her before addressing the man. “That’s not necessary. Really.”

He extends his leg out in offering. “It’s only just. After all, I believe in an eye for an eye.”

Speaking of eyes, something sinister sparkles deep in his. I’ve always tried to see the best in people, but a chill runs through me. Maybe Timofey’s cynicism is rubbing off.

“Then the whole world would be blind.” I force a smile onto my face.

The man shrugs. “Only the people who deserve it.”

He leans in, and I feel like a rabbit being sniffed out by a wolf. Like, if I don’t get out of hereright now, I might not ever make it out.

Maybe Timofeyhasrubbed off on me, but I’m not sure it’s all bad. If anything, he has taught me to trust my instincts. And my instincts are screaming at me to get as far away from this man as possible.

Ashley laughs. “Damn straight. I think it’s fine to exact revenge.”

“I guess I should be glad I didn’t run over your ankle, then. Your friend is much more forgiving.” He looks back at me, eyes narrowed. “I was actually thinking… Do we know one another?”

“I’m… I’m not sure.” If he’s thinking the same thing I am, then we must. But from where?

“Do I look familiar to you?” He lifts his chin and turns from side to side, giving me a better look at him. On anyone else, it would be silly and charming. On him, it feels like a facade.

“You do. But I’m not great with faces. Sorry. We actually need to get going so we can catch our—”

“Timofey Viktorov.” The man snaps his fingers and points at me.

Ice floods my veins. I feel frozen to the floor.

“You’re his girlfriend, aren’t you?” the man asks.

Ashley snorts. “Depends what day it is.”

The man ignores her, his eyes fixed on me. Now, I know there’s a good reason I felt like prey: because I am.

“Timofey and I are… acquainted.” My hands are shaking, so I hide them behind my back. “How do you know him?”
