Page 25 of Twist of Fate

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Bodie nodded as he stood and stretched from side-to-side. “I think if I can persuade her that she can pursue her story from here in greater safety, she will be more likely to settle in and be happy. Quinn is not so foolish as to think she would be safe if she plans to take a swing at Gutierrez. Besides, it would appear we are pursuing the same thing, but from different angles. We might even be able to help each other.”

“I know she’s your fated mate, but you seem to be quite enamored of her already.”

“Were you not enamored of Larisa even before she spent a night in your bed?” Bodie asked, wryly, knowing full well the answer.

“Your point is well taken.”

“We have put in a good day’s work. Send word to our people watching Gutierrez. If Quinn and her source are correct about what is going on at the dock, Gutierrez has to be close to making his move.”

“Do you think the source knows it’s Gutierrez?”

“Doubtful. He seems very open and above board with Quinn. I believe it is my mate who is playing her cards close to her chest with him, and I suspect everyone else but me.”

“Why do you say you?”

“Because she had to know the text of the email would be brought to me before it was sent out. I think I will go share lunch with Quinn in my room.”

“Might we expect to see the two of you this evening?”

“I will see if she is feeling well enough. If the transition is beginning, she might prefer to remain alone with me.”

Navarro chuckled. “If she realizes you’re responsible for that and what it is you’ve actually done, she might prefer to take your head.”

“You might be right about that,” chortled Bodie. “I’m having trouble figuring out just how one tells his mate that he is not human and that because he couldn’t control his more primitive urges last night, neither is she any longer.”

“I wish you the best of luck with that, my alpha. I think you’re going to need it.”

Bodie headed toward the door, stopping in the opening. “I fear you may be right. I’ll stop and talk to Maurice and take lunch up with me.”

Knowing that Navarro was most likely correct in his assessment of Quinn’s reaction to being told she would no longer be wholly human, he hoped Maurice might have something to offer that she would enjoy.

As he entered the kitchen, Bodie was reminded why he loved to visit. The space, except very late at night, was always humming with activity, happy voices, and delicious smells. Maurice ran a tight kitchen, but he was no tyrant, and he had instituted a training program for those who were interested in learning the culinary arts. They worked closely with those who raised livestock, fruits, vegetables, and other staples to provide the clan with the freshest selections available. Maurice and the farm manager worked closely to make the clan as close to self-sustaining as possible and had ensured that if some catastrophe were to strike, they would be able to provide and care for themselves.

“Alpha, you honor us with your presence,” called Maurice who was tasting something. “May we get you anything?”

“I know you’re busy and I hate to interrupt, but I plan to have lunch with my mate and was hoping she might have indicated to you what she would like for lunch.”

“You are, as always, in luck. Quinn, as she asked me to call her, called down and asked if my jambalaya was on point…”

“I hope you told her yours was the best in all of New Orleans.”

“I did, and she laughed. She asked if there might be some available for lunch. I assured her I would see that she got some.”

“Excellent. When you have time could you send up a small pot of jambalaya along with regular white rice, red beans and rice, cornbread, and something for dessert?”

“It would be my pleasure. One of the boys took her a pitcher of our iced tea, sweetened with lemonade, and she has been enjoying that all morning. I’ll send another up with your lunch. Might I say, Alpha, that all of us who have had a chance to speak with her believe your fated mate should have been born among us and will make an excellent first lady for the clan.”

“I think Quinn may have a unique take on the role of First Lady, but I have every confidence in her ability to lead the other tigresses of this clan. I will leave you and your staff to your normal duties and appreciate the added burden of preparing something separate for Quinn and I.”

Maurice nodded and then turned back toward the bustling kitchen. Thoughtfully, Bodie headed back out the door and started up toward his room and his mate. The thought of her, the memories of her response and the sounds she had made as he claimed her in all ways, made his dick begin to swell. She was the most gorgeous creature on earth. Becoming a tigress would only enhance her beauty and sensuality.

“You and the guard beneath the balcony can stand down until further notice. I take it she’s been behaving herself?”

“She has been no trouble whatsoever and ensured I was supplied with something to drink. She’s asked a couple of questions about the estate. They seemed rather innocuous, so I answered them.”

“What was she curious about?”

“Mostly the way the clan operated in terms of what she sees as communal living, how Maurice works with our other people to utilize the land to keep us primarily self-contained. Was I wrong to answer her?”
