Page 39 of Twist of Fate

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“I… I should have told you.”

“Yes, you should have, but I understand why you didn’t.”

Quinn ended the call and then turned to Bodie. “One down; one to go.”

She dialed the Gazette’s office, hoping to catch Levi still at his desk. The man was an even more notorious workaholic than she was.

“Levi Bennett,” he answered.

“Levi, it’s Quinn.”

“How did Cinderella like the ball?”

“I had a great time. Thank you. I’m working on my story and should have it to you on time.”

“Are you all right? Are you free to talk?”

“I am. Why do you ask?”

“You were seen leaving the party with Bodie Lambeau,” said Levi, evenly.

“I wondered if someone might have seen us. No matter; I’m here with him now. We have a mutual goal, and he has offered to work with me on my story. He’ll be deep cover background.”

“Is he with you now?” growled Levi.

“He is,” Quinn answered.

“Let me talk to him… privately.”

Quinn handed him the phone and Bodie left her to step out onto the balcony, closing the door behind him.

* * *


“You wanted to speak to me? I assure you Quinn is safe with me, and I am not ready to tell her about playing her fairy godfather.”

“I’m still not sure how comfortable with that I am.”

“You had no choice, she is not hurt and there is nothing you can do about it now, except upset her and that I will not allow.”

“If I find out your intentions are less honorable than you convinced me they were, or you’ve hurt her in any way…”

Bodie laughed and turned to see Quinn regarding him with curiosity. “Do you really think you could take me in a fight?”

“Oh, hell no, but I could damn sure hire people who could.”

That made Bodie laugh even louder. “I hear you, old man. I promise you; she is safe in my care.”



Bodie was chuckling as he re-entered the room. It was astounding how much that single gesture or one of his grins could change the shape of his face. Normally it was all harsh angles, and you could easily guess at his iron will, but when he smiled or laughed, the lines softened and the man he might have been had he not been born to be alpha of his clan was revealed.

The weird thing was, she was beginning to fall in love with them both.

Bodie treated her to a wonderfully romantic evening, including a horse-drawn carriage ride around the estate under a starlit sky where the moon sailed through the clouds like the ghostly apparition of one of Jean Lafitte’s pirate ships.
