Page 23 of Finding Her Heart

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“Tracking your cell phone—we’re at least seven minutes from you.”

“Tell her not to hurry. I’ve got this,” snarled Harper, who’d managed to twist her body so she could aim out the rear window.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, boss, but your girl’s kind of crazy.”

Spence laughed. “I know. Ain’t she great?”

The SUV behind them flipped its lights back on as it accelerated in order to ram them again. Only this time, Harper was ready and fired both barrels, making the SUV careen from side-to-side before it began to slow down.

“She shoots; she scores,” said Spence, a little too gleefully.

“They were trying to kill us,” snapped Harper.

“I know, sweetheart, and you kept them from doing that. I love you.”

“Uh, boss, you’re still on speaker,” said Alice, a humorous tone easily heard in her voice.

“I don’t care,” said Spence. “I love you.” Harper just stared at him—not speaking. “I have to tell you, babe, that’s all kinds of fucked up that people can try to run you off the road, and it doesn’t faze you, but I tell you I love you, and you look like a deer caught in the headlights.”

“You are a sick sonofabitch. People are trying to kill us—probably the same ones who murdered my sister—and your team, whom I have yet to meet, just heard you tell me you love me, and you want to give me crap about not saying it back?”

Spence nodded. “That about sums it up, except for the part where you unloaded a shotgun into each of their vehicles and saved the day.”

She shook her head and still said nothing.

“Boss, we can see you. I’m ending the call.”

The lights and sirens of the team’s two SUVs were racing down the highway with two of the sheriff’s patrol vehicles in tow. Spence pulled the truck to a stop and got out.

“They’re back behind us. One should be off on the shoulder and the other should be in the middle of the highway.”

He heard the door of the truck slam. “Shit. The damn thing won’t shut,” growled Harper.

“I’ll take care of this with the sheriff’s people. Why don’t you get Harper into the back of our SUV? Bill can call for a tow truck to get Harper’s pickup.”

“Thanks, Alice.”

Harper came around the front of the truck and then broke into a run, launching herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around his neck and waist, respectively. He locked his arms under her ass to hold her close. Her entire body was trembling. He really couldn’t blame her. Someone had made a serious attempt at killing them. Some people were like that—cool under pressure and then afterward just falling apart. He knew she hated people seeing her cry, so he backed into the front panel of the truck to get her out of the limelight.

“It’ll be okay, baby. Everything is fine, now,” he crooned.

She reared her head back and in the glow of the SUV’s headlights he could see she wasn’t crying, she was laughing.

“You jackass. I’m not having a nervous breakdown. I’m simply amazed at your lousy timing. Who tells a woman he loves her for the first time when he’s barreling down the highway with not one, but two SUVs trying to run him off the road, his whole team listening, and said woman taking care of business with her favorite shotgun? You’re absolutely batshit crazy.”

“But you love me anyway, don’t you? Say it. You know it’s true.”

“I know that you are all kinds of a wildly passionate weirdo, but yes, Colton Spencer, I’m absolutely nuts about you.”

“Not good enough, Harper. I want to hear the L word.”

“All right. I love you, Spence,” she whispered.


“I love you,” she said loudly.

“Louder! I want them to hear it in the cheap seats.”
