Page 9 of Finding Her Heart

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“Harper.” He reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear.

She batted his hand away. “I should have known you couldn’t pull it off.”

Somewhere deep inside, she knew she was being a bitch and backing him into a corner. She knew, but she didn’t care. She needed him, and knew she needed him to give her what he’d offered. She may have signed the paper, but she couldn’t ask. She needed him to break through to her, needed him to open the dam that would let the floodgate of tears begin to wash away the raw edges of her disbelief and grief.

“That’s enough, Harper.”

“Not nearly,” she said, making a fist, drawing her arm back and throwing a punch, which he neatly sidestepped.

Catching her hand in his, he used the inertia of the swing to haul her in as he backed to the edge of the bed, pulled the sweater she’d been wearing over her head and stripped her skirt and panties down so that all that was left were her cowboy boots and bra. He sank down on the bed, guiding her between his thigh and over one knee, trapping the backs of her thighs between his so that she was unable to get away. Harper was angry, grief-stricken, and highly aroused.

She’d wanted to feel something, and her emotions were coming back online at an exaggerated level. The next feelings she had were heat and pain as Spence’s hand came down on her naked ass, cracking like a bullwhip and reverberating around the room as he began to methodically spank her.

“Is this what you need, Harper? Do you need me to be the bastard who spanks you? Because I can be.”

Again and again, his hand came down, reigning hellfire across her ass, which she was fairly sure would never sit in a saddle again. She gritted her teeth, determined to fight him and not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Over and over, he spanked her until she couldn’t hold back any longer, and she cried. These were no gentle, pretty tears. From the get-go, she sobbed, giving her grief and anger free rein.

It took a moment for Harper to realize that she was no longer face down over Spence’s knee; he’d not only brought her upright, but he’d settled her in his lap, wrapping his arms around her and crooning nonsensical words in her ear.

“That’s it, Harper, let it out. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”

Safe.That was what she wanted. Dulcie’s murder had rattled her far more than she’d realized. Dulcie was one of the most competent, self-confident women in the world, and now she was gone. She’d known something and someone had killed her to keep her from shining a beacon on whatever it was they wanted kept hidden.

As he held her tight and just rocked her, she let instinct be her guide and wrapped her arms around him, burrowing into his body and letting him take all the fear, grief, and anger she’d been saddled with. After a while, she felt a sense of peace settling over her and she allowed her body to relax into his as he settled her on the bed, putting a soft pillow under her backside.

“Better?” he asked almost tenderly as they sat on the bed. She nodded. “Do you want me to leave?”

She shook her head. Nonverbal conversations had gotten her this far, she wasn’t about to question their effectiveness or veer away from the path that seemed to be working for her.

“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”

Harper didn’t need to think, only to utter one word, “You.”

* * *

Spence sat absolutely still. He couldn’t allow himself to believe that she wanted him and was asking him to make love to her. It had been an intense scene and he ought to put her in the shower and then tuck her in bed. That’s what a true Dom would do.

Fuck that,screamed his increasingly hard cock.The girl wants to get fucked. Let’s fuck her. She’ll feel better. Her pussy will feel better, and I’ll feel better. You can get on board this train or get run over by it.

He was a rat-bastard for even considering it. She didn’t need his lust; she needed his care and concern.

Pussy! I need pussy!screamed his dick. His dick had no couth whatsoever.

Damn right. I need pussy!

“Did you hear me, Spence? I said I wanted you. If the feeling isn’t mutual…”

“Damn it, Harper, give me a minute to switch gears. Your naked ass was right on top of my cock. I’m pretty sure you know how I feel about making love to you.”

“Don’t. Don’t call it making love. I need to fuck you, Spence. I need you to fuck me. I need to fuck like jackrabbits all night. I don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to be dead inside.”

Okay, then.

Running his fingers up her inner thigh, he leaned down and kissed her. This was no awkward exploration; he fused his lips to hers, and his tongue invaded like a marauder on a search and destroy mission.

Spence loved seeing the languor that came over her. Her body was relaxed and warm, and he’d bet a year’s pay that her pussy was soft, wet, and waiting for him. She was calm and centered; her stress level had decreased as substantively as her arousal had increased.

“What happened to Dulcie is none of your fault. Even if someone killed her trying to get to you, her murder is on the killer and nobody else. Got that?”
